P. 14 - Howling Calls

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Before we begin, I'd just like to thank the people who voted! My highest ranking so far is; 53 in the YA section!! :D I'm super happy and I just wanted to thank you all for reading this far! Hope you enjoy the story!!


Raising from my curled up position, a sniffle escaped my nose. A rushing feeling of my blood turning cold made my skin shiver with goosebumps. Breeze soaking inside the bathroom, ruffling the curtain that could be used as a cover-up from the shower.

My hands gripped tightly against the soft fabric of my gown. The sound of ambulance closing in. It issued fear in me. Something I hadn't felt in a while, Dracula's home is the exception. Saliva crawling up my throat, I swallowed it down and panted. My feet moving as I escaped the bathroom that looked to be closing in on me. 

Unlocking it with a flick of my fingers, it opened and I wrapped my hand around the handle. Pushing it open, the noise of a bed rolling in rushed pounded my head. 

'Wha-' I began thinking, wondering what it was that was causing such agony in me. Watching the doctors and nurses roll in someone who I couldn't see; my curiosity peeked. Thoughts wondered inside my head about it, and the one that stood out the most was: Do my powers work here?

Watching with interest, I stalked over to my bed and plopped down- rolling the curtain down to the wall so I could witness the scene. My eyes glistening with wonder as I watched them connect wires I once had on his damp frame. His midnight hair seemed duller in the light, almost as if it craved something else. 

Shaking away the temptation, my eyes flickered around the room and then to the window, the location I had departed from a few days ago. A thumping beating sound invading my ears, the sound feeling familiar yet it was a disgusting familiar. Some sort of smell crawling inside my nose. 

Sniffing, I pulled a disgusted face and looked at the doctors and nurses who began piling out of the room, leaving me alone with the young male whose eyes remained tightly shut. Wanting air that didn't stink of someone's fart, I turned from the man and opened the window. Placing my hand above my eyes to block it from the thrashing waves of wind.

Yawning, my arms rested on the ledge towards the outside. The whipping winds causing my silver hair to flow behind me, creating more knots by the second. Darkness taking over as I rested my eye-lids. Time slowed down as I breathed in and out. But my attention soon left me; my imagination soared as I began thinking about the people I had left behind. 

'Frank...Elijah...Karko...I hope you guys are doing alright...I'll find you. Wait for me.' My voice whispered the voice that I usually pushed back had vanished and I whined. Wondering where that familiar and comforting sound had gone to. 

A heart beating faster drew my attention away from the darkness under my lids. Turning my body around, I looked and saw the man's body thrashing about unconsciously. My eyes widened whilst I jogged over and crawled on top of him- my actions doing things before my brain could process what I was doing.

Gripping his shoulders with my hands, my knees on his fingers and my feet curled around his legs- we were positioned awkwardly but it slowed down his thrashings. The beeping calming down as a doctor walked past like nothing had happened. A thankful sigh leaving my reddened lips. 

Faintly, my ears perked up at a howl from the outside. 

Rushing, I prayed that it was the familiar hound I had named and adored. Slamming the window fully open, ignoring the stares I got from people roaming around down below. My ears hinging to hear that singular sound once more. And as if my prayer worked; the sound echoed throughout the forest guarding the building once more.

My lips developing into an enlarged grin, I squealed like a child and bolted out the door. My body bouncing around like there was no tomorrow, my smile couldn't be torn off my face- even as I barged into people. Even a few trolleys with syringes and pills along with many other medical supplies. 

Ignoring the sounds of people calling for me, I sprinted like there was no tomorrow. Pondering what I would say to Karko once I found him. The dress I had on flowed nicely behind me from what I saw when passing the walled mirrors that went from the ceiling down to the floor. 

My unsightly grinning face with my lucent red eyes- it was an unusual sighting to many. To even see someone with the kind of eyes I had, but I loved them in spite of others opinions. Jumping down the last few steps, I continued my bolting dash- slamming the door open. Weird stares turning my way. Though they fazed me not, for all on my mind was seeing my old friends again. 

Weaving through the never-ending crowds, I finally burst through the exit of the hospital- the sign being hung from above the exit- and as I continued running towards the howl that was released again, I gleaned. Jumping over a fallen log, I panted heavily. 

Being in the hospital really does take a toll on someone's stamina. 

Ignoring the pain inside my stomach, my legs ran like a scared rabbit. A time ticking bomb inside my head, the sun began to fade behind the tallest trees I have ever encountered. Weezing- I came to a halt and leaned my back on the closest tree. The sight before me fading with darkness wanting to take over.

Groaning, I punily shook it off, my legs on their hinges as I began hurdling obstacles that nature had given me. A twig snapping causing me to come to a quick holt. Turning my head in the direction on my left, I saw a faint figurine. One turned into two, and two turned into three. 

Three men roamed closer to me- and that was the last sight I noticed before my body allowed darkness to take its toll on my body. The last things I heard were;

A growl, and the echoing sounds of death tolling screams. 


I hope you liked it! :D I certainly enjoyed writing it ;) 

Feel free to comment, vote and share!! Much appreciated.


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