P.11 - Beliamarvati

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Pants of heaviness left me. Thunderous lightning clouds darkened as the sun began to fade. Frank, Elijah and I ran deeper into the woods that surrounded the area. We had been running for a few hours at least, Elijah's eyes turning to me every so often. As if...he was afraid I'd disappear.

Suddenly Frank came to a halt, my eyes widening as Elijah dove right into Frank's large back, a small wince leaving me as I watched. 

"Why are we stopping?" I inquired towards Frank, my white eyes staring at his hand that he had placed up to show us to remain still. My feet complying with it as I remained still, the soft breeze of the wind being picked up with a ferocious growl coming from the direction Frank had been looking at.

I watched as he moved his right hand down slowly, reaching for the knife I assume he had stolen from Dracula's castle. His hand swishing it in a circular motion as eyes were revealed from the darkness within the forest. Elijah's breathing becoming heavier as the large animal came into sight. 

A small gasp escaping my lips as I watched my old friend depart from the dark woods and into the light of the moon that peeked through the clouds. The soothing sound of rustling leaves caused my hair to move lightly.

My feet going into an automatic mode as my legs wobbled. My hand grabbing Frank's right one as if telling him not to harm the creature. Frank's hand doing as commanded but stayed behind me none-the-less. Our feet moving forward while the creature also came forward. An enthusiastic grin appearing on my face as the tail of the wolf began wagging happily. 

"Karko!!!" I beamed with the grin on my face largening, the familiar wolf yipping happily as he ran towards me and jumped- causing us both to fall over with a tumble. My laughter from the number of licks and nudges of his muzzle told Frank and Elijah he was not someone to harm.

"How you been boy? It's been a long time hasn't it?"  I asked him while propping up on my elbow, my hand scratching Karko behind the ear as he stuck his tongue out while breathing.

"H-How do you know thi-this wolf exact-exactly?" Elijah asked with a squeak, his voice going higher through every second of talking. Frank's eyes wide but as he went onto his knees, he bowed down at the wolf. My eyebrow-raising in confusion. The grass beneath us swishing as silence greeted us momentarily. My hand removing itself from the wolf as he trotted towards Frank and plopped down in a seating position. 

His back straight and his tail flat against the cold wet grass from the rain that came before the storm. His dark blue eyes seeming lighter than I last saw him. Frank's head remaining down as the eyes on the wolf fogged over. Elijah's head being unable to wrap around it all- he sat down against the bark of the nearest tree. His legs curving around the large rock he had placed himself onto. 

"What are they doing?" I uttered to no one in particular. My body moving next to Elijah as I sat down a little too close next to him. The darkness of the night hiding the redness arising on his cheeks. Placing my hands together I laid them on my lap while waiting for Karko and Frank to leave their trance. I had been told that Frank was a werewolf by Dracula when I had a few lessons about the world. 

'The name of this world is; Adyapel. Created by the gods of life and death many years ago- their bodies becoming one with the stone they had found roaming the air above. Our world coming to be. The gift from the god of life; Adya was animals, plants, trees and all living things. The gift..or curse from the god of death; Pel was the death side of course and curses; werewolves, vampires, witches- you name it. The two are siblings and they both had a wish to create a new planet, but there are also rules they had to abide by of course; they had to have a downside to each being- each plant and tree. Some are poisonous that can kill instantly. Some can heal the sickest of diseases. The wolves grow up until their sixteenth year, then they are given a choice by Adya; live as a werewolf or grow as a companion for a certain human. Vampires are weaker in the sunlight but their powers are still there. Witches have powers that others crave- there are not many left in this world because of greed but the Witches are the second strongest of all Supernatural creatures, the strongest is something that is called 'Beliamarvati' which means immortal and pure. They are the beings that the world has never seen- for each man or woman that faces the Beliamarvati dies without ever telling their tale..but the one thing that is known- is that their eyes are a tainted black with one streak of white down the middle..

My head swirling as I attempted to contain a large amount of information I panted but halted my breath when I felt a warm hand on top of my own. Slowly turning my head to face a furiously blushing Elijah. I wondered why he was red but ignored it- intertwining our hands properly as I drew my attention back to Karko and Frank. 

After waiting for the two wolves to remove themselves from their longing trance, I turned to Elijah and began to talk to him. Attempting to pass the longing of my friend's conversation that I had slightly become interested in.

"So, would you like to play a game while we wait for those two to finish up whatever they're doing?" I asked him. My thumb unconsciously rubbing up and down his hand with a wave of relaxation and calmness overcoming me. 

"A-Alri-Alright..." Elijah trembled out, a shiver consumed him as goosebumps rolled up his bare arms from the prison get-up he had on. It had a thin lining of cloth that didn't warm the body up much. It looked like a two-in-one kind of thing with losing shorts dangling off his rather skinny thighs. 

Taking a deep breath inwards and outwards, Elijah placed his full attention on the girl who was making him flustered. 

"What do you want to know?" Elijah questioned the girl, a sneaky glint hidden in her eyes that Elijah had failed to notice. A smirk appearing on her lips as she opened to speak. Releasing out her first question which made Karko, Frank and Elijah look at her with wide eyes. 

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