P.7 - Harnessing

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Skipping inside past the open metal gates that had a rather unique design, I swirled to face Dracula who had the three unconscious people heaved onto his shoulders. Carrying them like it was nothing. 

"So, Vampy-" I began speaking, a small glare directed towards me but a playful one none-the-less.

"What's an alpha?" I continued, my head tilting to the left as my feet moved backward. My hands grasping one another behind my back. The rumbling thunder consuming the noise from above. My voice not being loud enough for even Dracula to hear. But as he crept closer to me, I witnessed him with a stern look that made me confused. 

He had been so loving and kind- and had a look of love for me previously which made me wonder if the voice was being honest.

'I am being honest' The voice spoke, my eyes widening and my lips parting in a gawking motion. My head swishing behind me as the voice laughed once more. My eyebrows narrowing into nothing as I felt a tug on the shirt I was wearing.

Glancing up, I saw a man dressed in a black tux with three buttons open, his hairy chest popping out like it couldn't be contained. My hand taking his as we departed into the castle. The tall structure of the building looked like it could reach the stars. The colouring of it was an endless black that had some specks of white from not being re-done in the last few centuries. Lit up in a straight line- the entrance doors stood tall and in a delicate frame. Each pattern different and special.

My mind's imagination began running wild of all the things that could possibly be inside this large building, the thought of possibly a horse or two roaming around inside seemed nothing but possible. My thoughts grew wider and wider but soon dispersed as someone whacked me on the back of my head- my imagination spouting into specs of dust.

"Hey!" I glared at Dracula who shrugged innocently at me. My giggles making him smile as I ran towards him and jumped onto his now clear back, the three people weakly wobbling around inside the building- carrying on with whatever jobs they held. 

"Oh my kid, you need to lose some weight!" Dracula spouted out dramatically, collapsing to the ground as I remained koala like on his back, a scowl emerging as I banged my forehead against the back of his- a wince escaping me as I rolled off him, my legs kicking childishly in the air while my hands retreated to my now red forehead.

A ball of laughter plummeted out of Dracula's lips, his hands clutching his stomach. The butlers and maids looking rather surprised as I pouted with a rub on my forehead.

"You made out of metal or something?!!" I grumbled towards the man, his grin not fading as he rolled over in my direction. Laughter still coming out of his lips but slower than before. 

"No, I'm not Harv, I'm made out of dust remains that came back to haunt you" Dracula sarcastically spoke, my mouth ajar in shock. My eyes glistening with happiness- thinking that his weak words were true. He was here to help me. And those words warmed my cold heart. The cold heart that led many, many miles away from my current location.

My small hands wrapped around the back of my head, my silver hair tangling with them- soon getting pulled to my feet by a pair of arms that belonged to the one and only vampire lord. I had failed to notice him prancing to his feet moments ago which led to my current situation- being lifted into the air once more and taken further and deeper into the castle.

"You never answered my question" I pouted, my arms crossing as my head glanced up at him, my body swaying as he carried my body in bridal style.

"And? What question would that be?" Dracula asked me, a humorous expression visible on his face. My mouth opening to speak just as a large bang was heard from in front of us, an angry man dressed in casual clothes grumbling to himself while looking down.

"I'm going to kill that bitchy vampire if it's the la---" He began rambling on, still not noticing the pair of us as Dracula placed me down and softly pushed me behind him.

I took in the man who emerged, he wore a black short-sleeved shirt that had creases for days. Brown hair reaching his shoulders, a stubble beard coming in and simple dark blue jeans. His shoes looking rather worn out from miles of jogging- or so I assumed. 

"Alpha Frank, I heard you were here- apologies for my tardiness" Dracula spoke in a tone that I had yet to have heard, my eyes flickering to the man I stood behind. Frank's body and speech coming to a stop as his own dark eyes snapped to Dracula. Thumping closer, his legs sped up as a hand reached out and wrapped it around Dracula's neck.

A small gasp escaping me which notified Frank of my existence. It was his turn to get shocked.

"Who's that?" Frank uttered out emotionlessly. His hand tightening around Dracula's large, strong neck. 

"I would tell you--" Dracula began, his right hand pushing my fragile body behind him protectively. 

"--But unfortunately, I can't seem to speak that well with this hairy-ass hand around my throat." He uttered out hoarsely. Alpha Frank seemed to roll his eyes and release his grasp from my new father's neck. My hand gripping onto the hem of Dracula's new shirt that I assume his maid or butler attained for him. 

"Thank you, my dear, now- what did you want?" Dracula thrust out, his hand still guarding my frame that hid behind him. But my eyes shone with curiosity. Who was this man and why was he here?

"Did you forget the meeting of the heads?!" Frank gawked- obviously unimpressed by Dracula who rolled his eyes in a comment. A grin enlarging as he allowed his sharp vampire teeth to emerge.

"I didn't forget dog, I had a sudden change of plan as you can see" Dracula grumbled, his head gesturing in my direction while Frank looked at me curiously.

"What are you planning on doing with the poor child Dracula?" Frank spoke in a worrisome tone. 

A grin of a strange kind of emotion plastering on Dracula's face as he placed a hand on my shoulder and spoke;

"I'm going to harness her powers of course, and make her more powerful than any one of us.

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