P.8 - Balifor

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I laughed while swirling my newly sown white gown. It trailed behind me as the scene before me transformed from a hallway into a large green landscape. 

It had been two years since Dracula had brought me to this castle, and it really had become my home. My laughter filled the silent and empty halls. My hand grazing the tall grass as I swayed in circles. The low grumbling yells of my father reached my ears, the scene fades back to its original state.

I had learned to harness some of my power. I had begun to learn what tricks I could have up my sleeve. 

I could fly, I could slow time down and I could change things with my mind- reimagine them for something you would find on the other side. The other side is the spirit realm, known as 'Balifor'.

It's a location that I learned about two years ago when I and Dracula began figuring out what I had within me. 

The screaming of death pondered inside my head while the familiar voice known as 'Rod' echoed inside my mind- blocking off any other kind of sound that wanted to speak through me. Dracula's screeching laughter included. 

'Harvey, did you forget our little conversation from two years ago? When Dracula wanted to know what you could do?' Rod spoke to me, my eyes rolling inside my mind while on the outside, I failed to sense Dracula shaking my body- wanting to take me out of the trance he was so afraid of. I never knew why, but I never did as he asked that much anymore. 

'Look, Rod, as one of my only friends- you know I don't remember it! I don't even remember what I had for breakfast last week! And I eat the same food every morning!' I exclaimed in a playful tone. Hinting at the fact that I did remember it, but it was always fun to tease Rod.

'Har har, very funny Harvey. But in all seriousness- do you remember?' Rod questioned me, my mind swirling as memories passed me by. The one I was looking for not being in sight- I sighed. I didn't remember it.

'Sorry?' I grinned sheepishly inside my mind. I could feel Rod rolling their eyes. A small chuckle parting from the back of my mind. 

'I'll remind you then since you're most likely to be stuck with me for eternity' Rod teased, I giggled as I imagined a tug on their lips. I never knew what gender they were, for their voice almost sounded like...nothing. No hint of gender hidden in it. No deepness of a man, no softness of a woman- but I didn't complain, and neither did Rod apparently. 

My body shaking again and again by the force of Dracula, I snapped out of the talk with Rod and blinked a couple times. Wondering why he had brought me out.

"I specifically informed you not to do that!" Dracula scowled at me, even pointing at me to make my stomach churn as guilt filled me.

And as he was greeted with silence, he grumbled and took my hand- my body reacting in a squirm at the suddenness.

"Where are you taking me?!" I squealed out my dry lips, licking them as they craved a liquid to pure them once more. My feet on their heels as I dug into the wood- a grunt or two escaping my lips as I felt splinters yet that didn't stop me as I attempted to break free of his anger grasp. His body thumping down the large circular styled staircase. 

Widening my eyes as I realized where he was taking me. Causing my trembling lips to move. 

"D-Dracula! N-No! No-Not there! Please-- I won't do it again! P-Please!" I begged him, my feet now bleeding at the amount of digging I did against the wooden floor. His hand gripping tighter against my own. Redness becoming the regular colour of my once bright pale skin. My now short shoulder length hair flowing behind me as we sped down into the basement. 


That's all there was down in the basement. 

Cages filled with humans. Humans that could not see me, but see Dracula. 

Their eyes yearning to escape but they had also lost all hope of ever leaving. Curiosity crumbled the moment they laid eyes on me. The potion filled with many unsightly ingredients being poured over my soul- it became visible towards the humans who widened in shock. It was nothing new.

Dracula got a new set of humans every two weeks. Treating them like rag dolls. Sucking the life out of them and throwing their deceased bodies into the thrashing waves that tackled the cliffside. 

"I told you- many times Harvey. Let's see if this will make you listen to me" Dracula snarled. Throwing my red liquid covered body into the empty cage. The bang on my back connecting the wall made humans cringe at the sight. Some mumbling how much pain it looked. 

Yet after being here for two years, spending at least three months in this familiar cage- I had grown accustomed to the pain. The memory of my conversation with Rod seeping into my memory. 

'Harvey, you shouldn't trust him- he cannot be trusted. I've witnessed what he's done in the past. Don't question me how I just do. You're nothing but a toy to him. Don't think that he's ever going to love you. Because he won't. You're just another rag doll that will get hurt everytime you do one simple thing behind his back'.

And that's when my weary body crawled to the center of the room, crossed my legs and placed my hands on my knees. My once white dress cloaked in a deep red that began soaking in. The dress now becoming a blood red. A mirror in the cellar made me glance up. It had been so long that I forgot what colour my eyes were.

So my feet attached to the ground and I rose up, the eyes on humans me watching like I was a predator. Their bodies protectively curving each edge of their weak bodies. My laugh couldn't be contained as I reached the mirror.

Boring my eyes into the mirror- I looked at the pair that was being reflected back. My laughter died down as my large smirk remained, and for a ten-year-old- I knew people trembled.

Why? Because I had no colour in my eyes.

They were just...


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