P.10 - Escapee

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Frank, Elijah and I sneaked up the staircase that led to the hallway covered in darkness. The chandeliers shining above their heads had shattered and they shed not a singularity of light. The movements we held were trembling, all three of us.

Our legs moved in synchronization. My hair swished side to side as I mimicked Frank's footsteps- Elijah hid behind me as best as he could due to his height being slightly taller than my own which made my facial expression fall into a frown. A small chuckle parting from Elijah but was immediately dismissed by Frank as he ushered them to be silent. 

They refused to get caught as patrols roamed the dark empty hallways. But I knew it off by heart. I knew what time they took a rest and leaned against the wall. I knew what time Dracula took his daily soaking in the bath. I knew everything that went on around here- for my young eyes had seen it all. 

Stalking forward, Frank gestured for me and Elijah to move forward carefully. We copied his actions with a swift movement, the wallpaper darkening at their light shadows. The silent clicking sound of the grandfather clock peeked Elijah's interest as he gawked at it in all its glory. For a piece of furniture that was over one thousand years old at least- it was in good working order. 

My hand grasping onto Elijah's wrist as I pulled him along. A deep scowl edging on my face as he gulped and nervously bowed his head. He didn't want to face the younger girls wrath as he continued to sneak past the guards. 

My small hand reaching out to Frank's shirt as I held onto it. Our feet moving quicker and quicker towards what Frank called 'Emergency Exit'. I didn't know what it was but he told me as we walked that it was a hidden exit that he had created without Dracula's consent. 

"A-Are you s-sure thi-this will work Frank?" Elijah questioned Frank. His eyes searching the back of Frank's head as they crawled behind a kitchen counter, the smell enhancing Elijah and I towards it, my head twisting to take a singular glance- only to be shoved back down by Frank's hand. 

"Stay down you fools! Do you want us to get caught?!" Frank scowled and pestered us, our eyes glancing at one another before reaching the floor. Shaking our heads together in fright that we may get killed by Dracula or his many staff.

"Let's k-keep moving.." I muttered. My eyes shaking with worry and fright for what is to come, hope shining in the whiteness. Wishing to escape this dreadful curse. Our feet moving once more as we entered the tight storage room, the door closing silently as Frank began pushing on the bricks- one by one. I and Elijah looked at one another in curiosity as to how this came to be but asked no further questions. 

The breeze bursting in as containers behind us began to rumble, Frank,  cursed under his breath- silent enough for us to not hear.  

Our intertwined hands feeling warmer by the minute as Elijah and I waited for Frank to be done. Our nerves high on edge as we awaited our escape from this horrid building that has haunted my dreams more than once. 

"Is this really it? Am I really leaving?!" I mumbled to myself not being able to keep off the smile that craved to be revealed. The warm breeze flowing my short silver hair behind me and hopefully not into the mouth of the older boy behind me. 

Frank's body disappearing behind the gap in the wall he formed, he gestured for us to follow with a single move of his hand. Elijah's feet over-taking mine as he led me outside. My body seeming rather small compared to his height as I pouted in a complaint but spoke no words. Not wanting to be attained once more.

Striding forwards, my eyes squinted at the brightness of the sun that laid beyond the dark thunderous clouds. Rumbling of thunder echoing through-out the daylight skies. My heart thumping as I swallowed a gulp. Flickering my attention back to Frank and Elijah as we continued to walk. Our steps seemingly going downhill behind a cliff as the faint sound of rattling could be heard.

"HARVEY!!!" Dracula's voice roared in devastation and anger. His trembling voice not showing an ounce of love or affection for his once adopted child that had no legal claim. His dark eyes grew even darker as the clouds fully blocked out the sun. Turning day into night as the wind pushed us against the cliff. Rocks tumbling down and almost missing my body by an inch. 

Gripping tighter and tighter against Elijah's handmade my own fill up with a warmth I hadn't explored in ages. The warmth of love, kindness, and care. It was something that had become somewhat unnatural to me- being thrown into a cage every so often can do that to someone. My empty chuckles causing the two men to glance at one another cautiously as we all moved on. 

Elijah's fingers giving me a reassuring squeeze as we continued to walk sideways on the cliff side. Dracula's thumping voice still on-going as I blocked it out. Focusing on the matter at hand. Getting free. Becoming an escapee.

I was running away from the only man who knew my true potential. I wasn't sure if it was a stupid thing...or the right thing. Deep down, I knew what his intentions were, but I didn't want to believe them. Shaking my head of the memory that wanted to resurface, I jumped over a fallen log and slipped slightly. Elijah's hand grasping onto mine like it depended on it. 

And it did.

My life was literally in the hands of a boy not much older than myself, my eyes glimmered with fear as rocks tumbled down. Frank's hand outreached for me as I hoisted myself upwards and attached our hands. My feet tugging at the root of a large tree that rested above. My feet being the main source of the pressure I placed down- my eyebrows scrunching together as I reached the steady surface. My pale hands escaping the wraths of Frank and Elijah. Being clueless as to the facial expression on Elijah's face. 

I was a runaway. And there was no going back. 

Not now, not ever. I would always run and flee. I didn't want to be held back- I didn't want to be held down. But Elijah wanted the opposite. As did Frank. 

So I made a pact with them, we would go back to Frank's pack and he would train us to become family. Train us to become warriors that could venture off into the unknown.

Little did any of them know, chaos would arrive straight at their door when time seemed calm. 

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