P.3 - Harvey's Apple

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Being plummeted to the ground, I screamed and grasped onto something above me-- or rather someone. My wide eyes met the opposite calm ones of a woman dressed in a black suit. Her blonde hair pulled tightly into a bun. The wind making some of her hair fall out of place as we fell. 

"You idiot!!!" I screamed at her as we both continued falling. My hands grabbing her closer as I moved my legs around her waist in a panicked motion. I didn't want to die! 

And just as I thought my time had come to an end, we began floating above the ground and she landed gracefully. My arms and legs still clutched around her now creased suit. Glaring at me, she huffed- pulling my koala like grip off of her body and placing me on the ground. 

"What was that for?!" I grumbled, crossing my arms in the process in disagreement. Her hands merely rose to her hair as she tucked the untangled pieces behind her ears. Her dark brown, almost black eyes bore into mine. 

Her voice had yet to come out, but her actions pointed at what she wanted to say, she was scolding me. 

For what? I didn't know but the mere thought of being scolded crushed my heart and made a weird feeling inside my stomach. My eyes began tearing up as I looked up at the woman, her eyes widening and lips parching almost in shock. Her tanned skinned hands arched out to me and I cautiously stepped back. Not knowing if I should trust this woman.

But as she rose confidence, she grabbed my sides and hoisted me onto her shoulders. My weak strength hitting her back in a complaint.

"Put-- Me-- Down!!!" I uttered out to the woman who simply began walking away from the forest and towards the direction my body wanted to go to before she had collided with my body. 

Huffing as I knew I couldn't escape her wrath- my arms crossed and bulged into her neck, her eyebrow twitching at the sudden pain that I was unaware about. A grumble escaping the woman's throat as she began running faster than the wind. I gawked in awe whilst she ran. My hand releasing the crossing of my arms as I felt the movement of the wind. Her speed is unbelievably fast. 

A large laugh parting out my lips, I screamed in happiness- the woman releasing a small chuckle made me gasp lightly at her as I grinned.

"You laughed! You really laughed!" I gawked at her with the grin still parched onto my cheeks. The smile being revealed from my stomach. Her body seemingly coming to a quick halt as she reached her destination. The back of my head banging into her once neat blonde bun as she leaned it forward at the contact.

A small wince of pain left my lips in discomfort. My hand rubbing the back of my head, the silver hair on my head moving into more knots than before. It took me a while but I finally looked down at my body while she moved slower than before but still running. 

I had mud along my arms and hands, my feet and legs were no exception either. 

I was covered in mud and the laugh raising inside my throat could no longer be held back. The woman looking at me strangely caused the laugh to halt suddenly. The look in her eyes looked like the one Timothy got when I used to laugh when he was inside. It was a look of 'do-not-piss-me-off-any-further'. 

A gulp of my own saliva went down my throat as all my laugh disappeared with that simple glance that terrified my whole being. It was a look I knew not to mess with. I closed my mouth and began playing with my thumbs as the woman took me away. 

Thirty Minutes Later

Yawning, I grumbled in complaint again, wondering where we were going. We had gone past the building called 'Hozpotal' and I had been told that my original body was inside it. The thing I was using now was my soul, it had somehow emerged. 

Other supernatural beings could see me, but humans could not which led me to wonder- were those wolves somehow supernatural?

"I met a wolf in the forest- he played with me! Is he one of those Su-par-na-tu-rul thingys?" My voice spoke. My eight-year-old body attempting to speak the word correctly but I was unconsciously aware that it was not that way.

"Yes, he's most likely a werewolf." She replied coldly and bluntly.

"What's a we-re-wolf?" I asked in confusion, my head tilting to the side. During the walking, we had moved positions. I was receiving a piggyback from the woman known as Apple- it wasn't her real name, it was a nickname I had made up for her.

A small giggle escaped as I thought of her nickname and stopped when I got the glare. Her eyes returning to look straight forward while she walked back into the woods. 

"A werewolf was originally a wolf, but some wolves had been granted the power to turn human by a woman called the Moon Goddess. She's a powerful queen who roams on the moon" Apple told me, my eyes filled with curiosity at the thought of the queen. 

"I want to meet her now! She sounds wonderful..I think she'd have long blue hair down to her waist, the body of a model and grey eyes that look like the moon! Oh, and she'd be as tall as you and I put together!" I giggled while I thought about the queen, and I as I described her- I could see her coming to life inside my little head.

A grin escaping me as Apple blinked in shock, her hands taking me off her back and placing my small frame in front of her and grabbing on my arms tightly, causing my emotions to show pain on my face.

"How do you know that? Only a select few have ever seen her true form..." Apple spoke almost to herself. If it wasn't for her tightening grip on my slim arms, I would've believed that she was muttering to herself.

"I-I ju-Just thought about her" I mumbled back at Apple who began moving pieces inside her head. It was almost as if I could see the clockwork moving faster inside her brain. Watching her assemble the pieces. 

"Yo-You can't be..." Apple mumbled, her grasp lightening on my arms as my hands automatically went to shover her hands and rub gently on the remaining area. 

"You're her? Th-The...Gifted one?" Apple spoke louder, her right hand moving to her lip as began nibbling on it in confusion. Her eyes snapping to me as I jumped in reply. Her hand grabbing mine as she bent her knees and jumped.

Taking me with her. Further away from the pull. 

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