P.12 - Plummeting Down

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"Elijah, what are you? You're not a human otherwise you wouldn't be able to see me right now and you wouldn't have been told by a god to protect me to achieve this 'Scroll'--" I began speaking of the question, placing my hands up and mimicked the air quotations around the specific word; Scroll.

"--So tell me, what are you?" I asked. My hands placed on my part red, part white short dress. My eyebrow raised in a simple manner. Karko and Frank walking over towards us. Frank's eyes staring deeply at Elijah's flop of hair whilst Karko moved his head into a tilt of curiosity.

Silence stood with us as the moon hid yet again behind the dark clouds. Our eyes being unable to see anything rather well- except for Karko who could see in the dark due to Adya's blessing to wolves.

Elijah suddenly rose to his feet, took a deep breath- taking up his left hand as he placed two fingers into his mouth and whistled soothingly. My ears surprisingly adoring the sound but Frank and Karko both cried out in pain, their bodies collapsing onto the ground in suffering. My eyes widening as I reached to stop him but was blown away by a force much stronger than myself.

Ramming my back into a tree that was directed towards Dracula's castle, I groaned in frustration and pain. The whistling coming to a halt as my white eyes began looking at the three who were looking at me strangely.

"What?!" I sneered towards them, Frank and Elijah had their lips parted open while Karko began stalking towards me, his ears on high-alert while he calmly moved closer. Frank's hand moving as if to stop the wolf but placed it back down when he noticed Karko's decision was made. Karko's fur ruffled gently as the wind began to calm down. The dryness in the air making me lick my lips once over. My eyes attached to Karko's as he hitched his footsteps. Our eyes staring at one another.

I stayed on the grass as I ignored the throbbing pain of my back. Elijah's left hand ruffling his own hair in frustration at the amount of time was taking. I could faintly hear Frank reassuring him that it would not be too slow.

But I blocked them out, I blocked everything out aside from him. Karko. His blue eyes swirled with emotions I had never seen before. His paws leaving almost no prints against the deep brown mud.

A voice echoing in the back of my mind ostensibly inching towards my thoughts. The rumbling of thunder crashed together, lightning bolting down not far from us caused Elijah to jump in fright and grab onto Frank's shirt, creasing it in the process.

A small grumble emerged from my stomach, hunger wanting to be fed. But it wasn't the food kind of hunger- since I didn't need to eat as a soul. A hunger for power, something inside me was wrong. I looked at Karko and his figure tensed slightly. His blue eyes curved to the right of me and I didn't bother checking there.

My eyes wouldn't leave the wolf. This echoing voice inside my head trying to come forward but I kept it back, not wanting to be disturbed.

Feeling something on my legs, I looked down- breaking the eye contact I had with Karko and watched at grass began growing taller, the soft touch making me squeal and raise to my feet, the tall grass seemed to be consuming my bottom half. Karko's figure had faded from my sight and Frank and Elijah had also disappeared.

"Hello?! Elijah? Frank?! Karko!!?" I echoed inside the forest, nothing is returned to me except the voice. Rain threatened the earth as one drop fell from the heavens and landed on my nose. My nose crumbling at the soft connection.

Looking up, I felt the connection of the grass crawling up my pale skin. My hands twitching at the feeling of wanting to itch and claw at the grass that continued spreading over my small ten-year-old frame. 

Gasping for air as it domed over me. My mouth craved the taste of the oxygen that roamed outside my grass cacoon. Silver hair fading into an unruly midnight black, my white eyes scorched with pain and a scream left me. The grass remained tight as I couldn't move. I was stuck and running out of time. Feeling some sort of liquid run down my cheeks, then my neck and all the way down my body- it stopped right by my left ankle. The feeling shortly disappeared and I whimpered in excruciating pain. 

Still not being able to breathe very well, I closed my mouth and allowed the remaining air I had left slowly emerge into me. Keeping me conscious. Yet it soon dispersed into ashes, the stain of liquid that had flown down my body began to spread all over. Leaving a rather bad mark. It was like I had been touched by lightning. 

A feeling of electricity bolting through the very core of my body. The heart inside me rapidly thumping. Echoing sounds of my heart didn't reach very far as I opened my eyes wider and endured the sliding beneath my feet as the ground seemed to disappear. The once cacoon grass had fallen down to the earth like it had never happened. I floated down and down the earth and screams echoed through the darkness. 

Petrified, I couldn't bear to inch a muscle, another sound invading my mind in a panicked state. Yet, I was too frightened to listen to it. All I could focus on was this body of mine which sunk deeper and deeper. No escape available. 

As soon as it began, it quickly ended. With me. Plummeting into a liquid of blue. The ocean. I had tumbled down the earth to end up inside of water. That was far from the end though. I knew it as I felt my subconsciousness slip away, my sight going darker- but not before I noticed a faint light brightening up in the distance.

'Help me...' I muttered inside my head, hoping that someone had listened to it. My hands floating above me- as everything went black.




The familiar and disgraceful sound echoed in the room. My hands twitching as I began fluttering my eyes open. Gasping for air that I thought I had desperately lost. Unable to sit up, I flickered my eyes around the room. The ceiling above me was white, the sides were painted a disgusting pink and I was a white and blue dress.

Outside, it was pouring down with thunder grumbling every now and then. A faint light glimmering from the lamp next to me. I looked down and I couldn't see very well because of something blocking my sight.

And as I was about to move my hands, I turned to the source of the door that opened- and A woman dressed in all white, a dress with a pen stuck in the little side pockets entered. A name tag that seemed to be worn out and a tired expression which soon turned to horror, shock. Her eyes plastered on me as we stared.


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