P.4 - Gifted's Legend

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As Apple took me further away from the direction of the pull, I whimpered. It began to hurt. The further away I went- the larger the pain became. I tugged on Apple's sleeve and she glanced at me, my eyes welling up at the pain inside me.

"It hurts... Can we please go that way?" I asked her politely as my finger gestured to the forest direction which we had come from. My stomach churning while she shook her head in a way to say 'No'.  

"Why not? It wants to go that way!" I urged towards Apple, my hand tightening around the woman's sleeve as we came to a halt, our bodies floating in the air as she turned to me with a raised eyebrow.

"We are going somewhere that can help harness your powers child. Now shut up, and let us keep moving" Apple replied, a deep scowl edged onto her face. Her eyebrows closing together as a crease became permanently stuck.

But as I continued facing the location I longed to go to- I soon gave into Apple's wish as we began floating in a certain direction. The thought of the unknown creeping onto me made my skin shiver. Even though, in the form of a soul- I shouldn't be able to feel the heat of the sun or the coldness of the snow. 

Time ticked on by and I don't know how long we've been moving. The sun had long set and we were using the stars to navigate- sort of like being on a ship! 

And with a grin on my face, I pushed forwards and twirled happily, the flowing dress edges becoming more ripped by the number of times I had caught it on a tree. My silver hair had been pushed to one side as I giggled, my arms outstretched as Apple held onto my right ankle. Her arm lifelessly swinging my body around. 

Laughs escaping my lips as I got twirled around. Though my laughter only harnessed more hate from Apple as she snarled at me. The glare returning once more that made me whimper and return to my position behind her. Not wanting to feel the hatred looming of her. 

The night soon became lit up with stars, stars that Apple told me about to make the pain inside me disperse from my head. 

It had me fascinated, to say the least. My head had long forgotten the aching pains and my thoughts were being consumed by the teachings of Apple who had plastered on a small grin. Her dark eyes lighting up as she rambled on about the stars that gently brought light up into the dark. 

"Oh wow- that sounds amazing! I'd love to go into an Ob-zer-tary?" I giggled out, the singular turn of eyes that Apple did once again causing my body to giggle longer. My hair flowing as I noticed the bright lights from a hidden building. My eyes beaming with curiosity as Apple began lowering herself. Her hand wrapped around my wrist. 

"Come on, let's go inside- there's someone who wants to meet you," Apple stated, her hand loosening the grip on my wrist. My opposite hand rubbing the area Apple had been moments ago. Hoping to lessen the pain slightly.

Landing my bare feet onto the soft ground, grass consuming my feet as I admired the tall five-story building that had somehow been covered up by the massive trees that I imagined to be planted by cavemen thousands of years ago. A grin emerging. 

And as I looked up at the painted white stone brick building, Apple pushed my back roughly into the building, my eyes not being able to part from the different shades of rainbow inside. Awe taking control of my body as I was forcefully taken into a room that had one shade.


Entering the room, my eyes glared at the brightness. My eyes roamed over the furniture as I gripped onto my stuffed animal that was one of the only things that held actual colour. My silver hair moving towards my face as Apple shoved my small light body inside the room. 

Crashing against the white soft leather chair, my eyes opened wide- dropping the stuffed animal that I had come to adore. My hands banging on the white door as Apple looked at me with... an emotion no one but the lady at the orphanage had given me. Pity. 

Apple was looking at me with Pity, and that's when it hit me- this place wasn't going to help me. They were going to take me away. Further away from the source of the pain edging inside my heart. 

I gawked at Apple who walked away from my view, my little hands crunching together as I banged against the metal door loudly. 

"Apple! Get back here! Let me out! Please!! Let me go home!!" I yelled multiple times, the white door gaining another colour as I banged my small hands against it. Blood. Red. 

The red began staining the white door- my eyes not being torn away from the location Apple had been. But as time ticked, the pain began gaining more and more of my attention. I grasped at my bloody hands and looked down at them. My yearning heart clutching as I felt tears curve down the sides of my cheeks. 

"Please..." I whimpered one last time before my knees gave in and I collapsed against the white door. The once clear white door that was stained with my blood. 

My eyes glanced around the bedroom, I spotted a rather large bed that was a white metal, the white mattress and a white cover that was folded rather neatly on the bed. My tearing eyes and sniffling nose didn't concern me anymore. I rose with the trembling support of my legs. 

Glancing around, aside from the bed and the one leather chair- there was a white table with an alarm clock. It showed the time to be; '03:36'. 

Not that I knew how to read time, but I could tell from the one small window that I believed couldn't fit through- that it was the night I had only dreamed about dancing in. 

Crumbling my fists once more, I rose to my feet and pushed the leather seat towards the window. My feet shaking as I stood onto the chair. A small squeaking sound emerging from it as I winced. My hands gripping until they turned the same colour as all the other furniture- white. 

I looked at the window and turned towards my surroundings, wondering what I could use. 

Sighing as I thought, my eyes turned towards the table. I could imagine the light bulb above my head- and at that moment...when I imagined the light bulb. The room became brighter. 

Shrugging it off, I trotted to the table and carefully stood onto it. The table making the same sound as the chair as I began jumping. Hoping it would break into pieces. 

And just my luck- it did. 

But as it broke into pieces- four legs hanging out from where they used to stand, the white flat surface that had also broken into pieces covered in blood from my feet- an alarm went off. My whole room embracing a bright red light that reminded me of the light I had seen before I made my escape from Timothy. 

So that just made me more focused as I gulped, reaching for one of the table legs and rushing back to the window. Taking a deep breath as I copied my actions a day ago from Timothy's attic. My old bedroom.

Surely enough- it shattered into thousands of pieces. My hands protectively guarding my eyes and face. The white door behind me ticking as someone attempted to open it. My mouth parting as a squeal escaped. The red light growing louder and brighter- dimming out all other senses as I hopped up once again and wiggled out of the window. Cringing at the damage it did against my skin- blood trickling from my body as I used Apple's lessons well.

Panting, I began running away from the building that she had betrayed me too. Running from any source of light and into the dark woods that seemed to be everlasting. 

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