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You walked to the entrance of the lair and sighed. You didn't really want to be there since April was. She made you want to shrink into a ball. She was better than you and she actually got the turtles to trust her.

You walked out as you heard Mikey calling out to you.

"Dudette, where are you going?" He jumped around you and noticed your frown.

"What's with the long face?"

"I-It's nothing Mikey." You turned away from him.

"Why are you sad? We just got back here and you were happy!! And then you were in Donnie's lab...." He stopped and looked at you as you made a face.

"Since your the only turtle, besides Donnie, that I really trust right now, can you keep a secret? I haven't warmed up to your brothers yet and I need someone to talk to."

He nodded and bounced around you.

"I am the B.E.S.T. at keeping secrets! Like you can totally count on me!" You laughed softly as he smiled.

You both walked to the 'living room' and sat down. You made sure that no one was lingering.

"I um.." You blushed as you thought about it. "have a crush on Donnie." Mikey put both hands to the sides of his face and gasped.

"Actually I already knew that." He said and you looked at him shocked.

"H-How?! And why did you make that face if you already knew?!" He shrugged.

"It would have probably been what I would have done if I didn't already know." He smiled at his reasoning and you shook your head.

"How did you know?"

"Well, you always spent time with Donnie, which I can understand when you don't know anybody else, but you seemed to I don't know....glow I guess? Your eyes lit up every time you saw him."

"He likes April, he doesn't like me." You crossed your arms over your chest and looked down.

"Your amazing Y/n! I don't know how anyone else wouldn't know, especially Donnie, but you are a cool person inside and out. If he didn't like you, then he wouldn't know how to actually like someone." He nodded to himself and you gave him a smile.

"Thanks Mikey." You hugged him.

What you didn't know was that Donnie had just walked out of his lab and saw you hugging Mikey.

If you had seen, you would have saw hearts breaking in his eyes.

He was going to tell you he liked you, but he guessed it was too late since his brother got to you first.

"Donnie! I don't understand this problem!" Donnie glanced at you one more time before walking back into his lab.

A Dream Come True || Donnie X Reader ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now