Merry Christmas

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The following month was Christmas and since the rooftop, Skylar and Q had limited their interaction. They haven't done anything physical since the rooftop but she would get the occasional text just asking how her day was or tell her that he was thinking of her. He was trying his hardest to stay away as much as he could, that night he didn't like the look in Joe's eyes. Granted he didn't see anything but just the way he was questioning made Brian feel very nervous. He was still living his normal life and had his causal hookups with girls and he enjoyed their company but when he went home it was Skylar he would think about.

"So you are alive!" Bessy exclaimed when Skylar walked into her house.

"Pretty sure I see your husband at work more than you see him, he didn't mention I was alive?" She laughed pulling Bessy in for a hug.

"It would just be nice to hear your voice for myself every now and then." She hugged Skylar back. "I worry about you."

"Please stop worrying, I'm honestly fine. Just busy." Skylar explained, she hated that everyone worried about her, especially her cousin; she had her own family to worry about.

"Well Milana has been asking for you like crazy." Bessy said.

"And where is the little princess, I have gifts for her." Skylar asked looking around for the little girl. She felt guilty for not being around much but every time she was with Bessy she asked too many questions and Skylar just got upset that she had to lie so much.

"Napping, She will be up soon though." Bessy smiled, "Come on let's crack open a bottle of wine and catch up!"

'Great, more lying.' Skylar couldn't help but think as she followed Bessy to the kitchen.

"Also before I forget, your Christmas gift from Joe and I." She said handing Skylar an envelope.

She opened the card but was floored when 5 $100 bills were tucked inside. "Bes, this is way too much, I can't accept this!" She exclaimed trying to hand the money back.

Bessy wouldn't hear of it though, "Please just take it and don't you dare feel guilty about it. I know you've been struggling lately and are stressed about it." Bessy insisted.

"Really I'm honestly fine. Please it's way too much." Skylar felt awful taking this money especially when she hadn't been honest with her cousin on so many different things.

"Then if you're all caught up on bills treat yourself. Go to the spa with it or a little shopping spree. Please you work entirely too much, you need to spoil yourself sometime." Bessy said.

"Well thank you very much. You and Joe are always so good to me. I appreciate you both very much." She said feeling tears coming on.

"You're family. It's our job. You don't have to be strong all the time Sky." Bessy said giving her a hug. "We are always gonna be here for you."

Christmas dinner was delicious, she saw family members that she hadn't seen in some time and caught up with Joe's sisters and their families. Bessy's parents who were Skylar's mom's aunt and uncle, voiced their concern for Skylar being so distant lately. She insisted she was fine, just busy and was quite honestly getting sick of people being so worried about her. They pushed the issue a little too far and Skylar found herself sneaking up to the bathroom to take a minute. She understood she lost her parents very young and her family worried but last time she checked she was an adult who survived on her own and still managed to go to school everyday.

She heard fussing coming from the next room and realized Milana was finally awake from her nap. Skylar snuck down the hall and opened the door. The two year old jumped up and down in her crib when she saw Skylar. "Merry Christmas babygirl! Glad you are finally awake."

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