A Welcome Home

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Skylar was very uneasy right now. She had texted Brian telling him that she was stopping by the library for a little after finishing up with the location team. He never texted her back but by the looks of it, he had read her message. Hoping that he just got caught up at work she thought nothing of it and got some research done for her last big paper for school.

After a couple hours with no response from Brian she was starting to really worry. It wasn't like it to not answer her, especially since all the stuff with Rocco had started. He was constantly checking on her throughout the day.

She had taken a cab over to Staten Island to make sure everything was okay. To her dismay his Jeep wasn't in the driveway but she used her key to let herself inside. Everything about the house was the exact same as they had left it that morning so she didn't think he had even been home yet.

It was almost 10 o'clock when he finally walked in the door and it took Skylar half a second to realize how drunk he was. "Where have you been? I've been calling and texting you for hours." Skylar demanded.

"Well look who it is!" Brian shouted sarcastically.

"Excuse me?" Skylar asked completely confused on why her boyfriend was acting like this.

"You honestly have the balls to ask me where I've been and be at my house?!" Brian shouted.

"What are you talking about?! Skylar yelled back. "You're the one that told me to stay with you in the first place! What is wrong with you right now?!" She began crying.

"Oh here come the fucking waterworks." He groaned, his speech very slurred from all the alcohol.

"You know what...you're clearly very drunk. Let's just talk about this tomorrow when we're more level headed." She said trying to calm herself down and began to climb the stairs to the bedroom.

"You're not fucking staying here." Brian announced with a cocky laugh. "I want you outta my fucking house!"

Skylar's face became beet red in anger. She had no idea why Brian was acting like this but if he wanted her out, she was leaving. Scurrying around the living room to collect her things as Brian looked on in rage, she held back her tears. She knew he was drunk but she couldn't believe he was breaking her heart like this.

"Can you at least tell me what the fuck I've done to make you hate me?" She asked as she reached the front door.

"Word of advice for your next relationship, guys tend to get a little pissy seeing their girlfriend ride another man like a fucking show horse." Brian snapped.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Skylar responded.

"I saw the tape Skylar, don't fucking lie to me anymore! I accepted what you did for work but you promised no extras especially to that fucking asshole." Brian told her. The images he saw on that tape were still burned into his skull. He had hoped all the booze would make them disappear but unfortunately he was still picturing it.

Skylar's face was loaded with confusion. "Brian I honestly have no idea what you are talking about..."

"I didn't get to finish the tape, so tell me did you fuck him at the end?!" Brian yelled interrupting her.

"Ya know what Brian, go fuck yourself! How dare you ask me something like that!" She shouted. As she slammed the door behind her, all she heard was Brian continuing to scream from inside the house.

She didn't know what to do so she continued to walk for a bit until the cold finally got to her and she decided she needed to call a cab.

Meanwhile Brian was sitting on his living room floor assessing the damage he had created. His cats were hiding upstairs afraid to come down because of all the noise. When Skylar left he smashed and broke so many things around him, not knowing how to deal with the anger and heartbreak he was feeling. Finally he landed on the couch, the alcohol finally winning and causing him to pass out.

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