Day 3: Single Parent AU

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"Dah-dee? Where's muh-muh?" The three year old child asked, waddling over to his father.

"She' a special place. You won't be able to see her for a while, pumpkin. Now hey, why don't we watch some cartoons?"

Nine years later, and that day was still permanently etched into Winston memory. The day a drunk driver struck his wife's car. The day he realized little Dillon would grow up without a mom. He put the picture of them back in its special box, tucking it into a drawer. Winston looked in the mirror and wiped the stray tears from his eyes.

He contemplated something he'd never thought about doing before. Maybe he should finally tell Dillon what really happened to his mother. Winston's head turned as he heard the front door open and shut, and Dillon's voice calling for him.

"Hey, kiddo." Winston said softly, coming down the stairs. "How was school today?" He asked, hoping to deflect him from noticing anything about his attitude.

"Pretty good. Mr. Riggs is still out sick with his stomach pains, so math has basically been a free period for me." He said, smiling. He looked up to see his dad staring down at the floor.

"Dad? Are you okay? Is something wrong?" He asked, growing worried. Winston finally looked up after a moment of silence.

"There's something I need to tell you." He stated quietly.


"One evening, when you were just three years old, your mom and I had a fight. She got in the car to take a drive and "cool off". Almost two hours later...she wasn't home yet. I tried to push down my worry, but when I got a phone call from the local hospital, I wasn't exactly the calmest person in the world. I picked up, and the woman on the other end said "Is this Winston Harrison? Your wife was in a car accident. You need to get hear as soon as possible." I was shaking so bad I was barely able to dial my brother's phone number so he could watch you while I went up there. As soon as I made it, though. They told me-." Winston cut himself off, remembering the horrid details.

"They told me her injuries were so severe, that she died almost minutes after I hung up the phone." He explained. Dillon's eyes welled with tears.

"Mom is...dead? B-But you said she left..." He sniffled.

"I'm sorry for not telling you the truth about her, but I wanted to wait until you were old enough to fully understand what happened." Winston replied, pulling his son closer.

"Wh-What...What was her name?" Dillon asked. Winston stiffened a little, before relaxing.

"Andrea... Andrea Rosalyn Harrison." He whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.

"I like that name." Dillon said softly.

"Yeah, kiddo, me too..." Winston sighed. The two of them sat in silence for a while, until they both fell asleep.

Hey look at that corny ass ending lmaoooo Oof each post gets later hahaha at least it's still the 3rd as I'm posting this 3 minutes to midnight.

Peace out my dudes!✌🏻🍪

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