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Roman ran to the library in hopes to find Logan again, he smiled since his talk with Virgil he couldn't get the speckled man put his thoughts. It was just something about the man, maybe it was the monotone voice and the pride he gets when he can make him sound excited or when he can form an smile on his face? Who knows.

He ran into the library and into the little spot where he meet Logan but he wasn't there, he looked down and sighed.

He walked around the library looking for books and hoping to spot him but he couldn't, the library radio started and Roman started to hum. Roman wasn't born mute, he always had low self confidence he grew to hate himself even to the point he hated the sound of his voice.

His mother tried everything to get him speak even to the point of abandonment to scare him into speaking but he couldn't, every time he opened his mouth to speak it clogged up.

"Didn't know you liked the history section." An deep voice broke him out of out his humming and squeaked loudly. Roman turned around and saw Logan with an small smile, Roman sighed and placed his hand on his chest.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you." Logan said chuckling slightly and Roman smiled. They both went to the small section hidden by the public eye and they started the usual small talk, Logan failing or not getting some text talk.

"So do you read history?" Logan asked placing an bookmark on his book and Roman shook his head, Logan in an act of boldness,"where you looking for someone maybe?" Roman spluttered and his face grew red and Logan got his answer.

"Was it me by any chance?" Logan asked and Roman slowly nodded, his face was red and he was looking away from Logan making him look adorable in Logan's eyes. Logan smiled "well I'm glad I did  enjoy your company last time." He said rubbing his arm awkwardly not knowing how to comfort anyone, Roman smiled at his attempt to comfort him.

They sat in silence for an little bit, Logan's hand had fallen onto the table and Roman laces his pinky with Logan's. Logan had flinched when he laced all there fingers together to he resorted to just the pinkies.

Soon Logan's head fell and Roman jumped but then calm down,..  Logan's curse was acting up. Roman glanced sadly at him and let him sleep for an while catching up on his cooking book, he heard an groan and Logan sat up his glasses askewed on his face and Roman smiled fondly.

"Good mourning sunshine." He texted and Logan yawned, "mourning.." he rubbed his eyes and looked around, Roman had to no clue why but Logan's eyes were darting around looking for bystanders, "there's no one there." Roman texted and Logan sighed in relief.

"Why, what's wrong?" Roman asked and Logan sighed. "It's the curse thing I told you about.." Roman nodded."here is the only place I can escape it." Roman looked at Logan with sadness.. did they harass him that badly he's not even safe at his own home.

"When I'm at my home they make sure I don't get mail.. and even one time they broke my windows." Romans eyes widen and he gritted his hand, these town peoples  were sick. Suddenly Logan thumb rubbed his hand and to calm him and Roman smiled. "It doesn't bother me." He said but it eyes said otherwise.

"Is your curse the.. falling asleep thing?" Logan nodded and he looked around the book shelves. "When I first came here it was to researched my illness but then... I guess this became a safe haven." Roman heart hurt. He had to hide from society of something he can't control.

"I've learned it's called narcolepsy." He opened his mouth and it was like he was reading out of an book. "Many cases of narcolepsy are thought to be caused by a lack of the brain chemical hypocretin which regulates sleep. This deficiency is thought to result from the immune system mistakenly attacking parts of the brain that produce hypocretin." Roman blinked and Logan sighed. "In shortage my curse is narcolepsy."

Roman thought to himself, wasn't it curable?

Roman looked at his phone and noticed it was late, he stood up and reached his hand out, Logan looked confused and Roman sighed."its late, wanna grab something to eat?" Logan was hesitant and Roman heart started beating faster.

"They'll harass you if they see me with you." He said and Roman smirked."either that or I miss my chance to dine with an very handsome man." Logan read the text and blushed brightly, Roman giggled at the reaction.

They walked out of the building, ignoring the glares of the others, they got an simple pizza and started eating it while walking home, Logan was started to get unnerved as the people was drawing near but Roman gripped his hand and squeezed it tightly.

They reached romans house and Logan started amazed, his house wasn't this great, they started watching tv during watching tv Roman lost interested and started to look at Logan, logan noticing after an while, he turned to look at Roman with an raised eye brow." You okay?" He asked and Roman nodded. Soon they were just staring at each other, there hearts beating faster and faster as there heads drew closer.

Roman could feel Logan breath on his lips and Roman raised an hand to cup Logan's cheek "Roman.." Logan whispered and there heads almost drew closer but then they heard the door slam opened and they jumped up.




QUESTION: IF YOU WATCH ANIME WHATS YOUR FAVOURITE. Or if you watch an tv show what's your favourite.

Anime: danganronpa :)

Tv show: Sherlock :D

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