Day 1

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Kirishima sat in the classroom the next day, he was tired- a basically sleepless night of thinking about his friend. He groaned and put his head down on the desk. Bakugou was usally early so it was okay for Kiri to start to worry, right?

When Bakugou walked in, Kiri looked up from his desk ready to give him a smile and a cheerful "Good morning!" but he couldn't forget the challenge so he ended up just slamming his head back down onto the desk top. A few students noticed but stayed quiet as Bakugou passed them and sat down rather forcefully. Like he wanted to beat up his desk when really he wanted to beat up himself for making this challenge.

The rest of the Baku squad looked over at the two in concern, first Bakugou had shown up later than usally, then Kirishima didn't greet him like an excited puppy. "Guys-" Kaminari gave a nervous smile at Mina and Sero before continuing. "There's no reason to worry! They're probably tired from training or something!" Sero nodded but Mina wasn't convinced. "Nah, something's up!" She hopped out of her seat and slid over to Kirishima. "Soooo! What's up with you and Bakugou?"

Kirishima flinched when Mina asked him so directly, he couldn't say anything so he let out a groan and hit his head against the desk again, hoping that would convince her to leave him alone. "Woah! That bad? What happened? Did you two get into a fight?" Kiri let out another groan, this was already getting embrassing. "Mina I can't talk about- that-" He couldn't even reference Bakugou! All he knew for certain was that Bakugou was probably listening to see in Kirishima would screw up.
"Bakugou I will win. Even if I have to-"

"Did you confess to him or something?"

Kirishima shot up from his seat. "No! I don't even have anything to confess!" He felt his face redden and he dropped his voice to a whisper. "Mina I just can't talk right now-"

"Ah, too much pain?"

"No! I'm fine!"

"You haven't even said his name~"

He started to question his friendship with Mina. Keeping the challenge in mind he decided that as long as he didn't say Bakugou's name he was safe. "I don't know what you're talking about." He kept his expression blank, like he was imitating Todoroki.

This caused Mina to just smile and pat his head. "Sure, Kiri. Also, Bakugou I know you're listening! Just turn around and yell at us already!"

Bakugou had almost snapped his pencil by this point, he felt so frustrated that he couldn't just blast Mina off her crazy fangirl pedestal.

His frustration didn't stop when he knew he had let Kirishima deal with her by himself.

"Yo? Bakugou? Blast man? Explosive Tsundere?"

"Knock if off, Raccoon Eyes!"

"I will if you tell us what's up!"

This only made Bakugou growl like a rabid wolf. Though... if Bakugou were an animal he'd be just an angry pomeranian.

"Hmmm. If you don't talk then I'll just guess! Did you guys-"

Sero finally spoke as he pulled Mina away from the two. "Let's just leave it alone for now. Okay?"


"Come on." He pulled her back to her seat even though her mind was already set. She would figure out what had happened and help her friends! Even if her ship died in the- pfft nah! She actually laughed outloud. She'd never risk her ship! So that meant she'd have to take the sneaky stealth way to figure this out.

"Mina? You good?" Kaminari backed up quicker than Pikachu's quick attack when he saw Mina's expression. It was like she had a black mask on with a huge smile underneath.

"We'll find out what's up. You know why?"

Kaminari and Sero just looked at each other, they didn't know how much terror they should be feeling but the way Mina was smiling... it had turned their legs into jello. And not the All Might limited addition super tough jello that Midoriya had cartons full of.

"Because we're their friends. And that gives us the permission to bust into their personal lives."

"Uh Mina I don't think that's-"


Yeah now definitely everyone was looking at the three. Kirishima even gave a little head tilt to portray his confusion.

"Boys? It's investigation time."

"That doesn't sound that cool-"

"Uh, how about, for liberty!

"Still no."

"Uh... the game is on!"

"Isn't that Sherlock Ho-"

The bell cut Sero off but Mina just kept her smile. "We'll know what's up before the hour hand strikes midnight."
"Stop the references!"

They're just concerned friends :)

[KiriBaku] The Heartbreak ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now