Spicy stuff

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Bakugou ran into the classroom with an entirely red face. He huffed out of breath before noticing the eyes that layed upon him. One swift glare and they looked in any other direction.

"You're almost late. Take your seat, Bakugou."

"Yeah yeah, Mc beanbag." Katsuki grumbled and kicked his feet on top of the table in his cliché "bad boy" pose.

Around 30 seconds later-

"You're almost late. Take your seat, Kirishima." Basically the same sentence as well as the same high levels of fructose corn syrup- I mean annoyance.

Kirishima gave an apologetic bow to his sensei and his classmates before collapsing with the same red face Bakugou had.

Pinky looked back and forth between the late duo.

"Oooh. This looks interesting-"

Of course it was obvious that the both of them had been together, and thanks to 15+ years of romantic comedies stuck in her head- Mama Mina's senses were going off in full Detroit smash mode.

She needed a second opinion though, so Mina, bless her fangirl heart, leaned back in her chair. A little too far I must add. Tsu thankfully caught her friend before yet another anime fall could occur.

"Hey, Tsu!"

"Is something up, Kero?"

"Nothing just needed your opinion. Yes or no, Bakugou and Kiri look like they just got back from doing some spicy stuff." Mina's expression was basically just a lenny face at this point.

"Um, I'm not sure what you mean." Froppy stuck out her tounge to catch a passing fly, it was normal foe her to do so but still gave Mina shivers.

"Damn Tsu- I don't know how you can do that without gagging. But I accept all my children no matter what they eat!"

"Your children?"

"Nevermind that, you sweet little Kermit. I'll make sure to find out if any spice is going down in OTP station."

"Well alright, Kero. Just make sure to-"

"Hey ya little sh- students." Aizawa groaned. Then he randomly threw a ruler at the closed door to get everyone's eyes on him... as they starred at the fallen ruler, sad and weak on the floor.

"Stop starring at the ruler, seriously what the hell. Anyway, I don't wanna be here either, you remember that don't you  Kirishima?"

The redhead nodded and noticed some magnetic erasers had been added to the whiteboard since his "I will not interupt my sensei because he doesn't wanna be here either." party.

Aizawa snapped his fingers and got everyone back to attention. "So listen up. Today you're gonna learn about something different."

The excited future heros started whispering to each other about what this new lesson would be on.

"It's not Hero related, we just legally have to do this since you kids are apparently idiots."

A few flinched and ticked off expressions emerged.

"That's not an insult, it's just true." He seemed to be looking Kaminari dead-eyed during the last part. "Frankly I'm going to sleep through it, here's Midnight-"

The rated R hero busted open the door and stepped on that sad ruler with whip in hand.

She smiled at the teens before getting straight to business "Alright class, you all aren't exactly kids anymore. I know you all are growing and developing lots of urgers-"

She glanced at Mineta who was practically drooling in his seat since his favorite subject was finally being taught.

"Some more than others- so that's why I'm here! Today we're going to teach you about how to safely and properly consummate!"

The class fell silent. Any lingering conversations instantly stopped. Sure most of them knew this day would come but right now? On this seemingly harmless Wednesday?

Kami was the first to do pot, as well as the first to speak. "So-"

Mina raised her hand at Iida speed and cut Kami off.
"Holy shit we're learning about the spicy stuff?"

Midnight nodded. "If that's what teens are calling sex these days, then yes-"

The more social of students started muttering things to each other. The most common thing being "Lol 69."

During the chatter, our sweet little Tsu put two and two together from what Mina had asked her earlier.

"Oh Mina-chan, you were wondering if Bakugou-kun and Kirishima-kun were having sex?"

Another instant silence. Except this time everyone's gaze turned to the two boys near the front who's faces looked like a mixture of "oh shit" and "FUUUUUCCCCCC-"

It only took a few seconds to register what Tsu said, but when they did...


Well a shitstorm.

•Midoryia started violently coughing/ simultaneously yelling in suprise.

•Todoroki accidently lit his shouldar on fire due to Midoriya's scream and lit his table on fire so now the people around him were screaming too, even after Todoroki put it out.

•Mineta screeched about the two betraying their "bond as men" whatever the frick that meant.

•Iida was "boi-ing" at everyone to calm their shit. Or to act according to the school's guidelines.

•Kami and Sero looked over at Mina with the same face of: "You've unleashed hell"

•And the "quiet squad" just watched their classroom slowly burn.

But the worse thing was-

Bakugou and Kirishima couldn't deny it. It would be so obvious that they would be talking about each other, and we've established that they're stubborn as hell.

Actually Bakugou was screaming at Midoriya to stop screaming, and at Mineta in mind his own business before Mcsplosion yeeted him into the sun after blowing him to pieces.

Kiri on the other hand, sat with his face covered with his hands feeling absolutely mortified and covered in crimsion blush. Sure he loved the color crimsion but right now was not the time.

Midnight was cracking her whip like crazy, trying to get the class to settle down. Aizawa had beenwoken up by the yelling/burning children. Also, only had context clues to go off of, looked at Bakugou."Wait you little shits fucked?" Then he looked at Kirishima expectantly.

"Oh god. This cannot be happening." Kiri almost knocked over his desk by how quickly he stood up. He couldn't deal with this mess. I mean sure he could but he didn't wanna start telling the story about how Bakugou grabbed his ass and how nice it fe-

But he was already out the door by the time he yelled Bathroom.

Hey I'm back again!

I had a little writers block but I'm back to making my "quality content"

So that you for reading! I love it when I get to see your guy's comments :3

See you in the next chapter!

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