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Namjoon has always been a lonely kid. He basically had his house to himself since his parents were always working to maintain their own company's and wealth. The only people he daily sees are the two maids that care for him. But the two always keep their distance and do their best to not get involved in Namjoons live.

An other thing about Namjoon is that he's mute. Being mute makes him seem rude when people talk to him and he's not able to answer back. He sometimes get the time to explain his situation. After it can only go two ways. 1) people just go away or 2) they show some sympathy and try to be friends till their tired of him and start avoiding him.


Namjoon sighs as he sits alone at a old lunch table at the far end of the schoolyard. He picks up his pencil and starts drawing.

"Hi." Some suddenly says quite loud startling him. "I'm Jin and this is Yoongi." A tall guy with broad shoulders introduce himself. Short after a smaller mint haired guy waves at Namjoon. Namjoon shyly waves back. The two guys before him are absolutely gorgeous. "Mind if we sit here?" The guy named Jin asks pretty loud again. Namjoon signals that the seats are free and right after he is sitting across the two handsome boys.

"Pretty drawing you got there." Jin said earning an elbow form Yoongi. "Hyung your talking really loud again." Yoongi said. "Sorry." Jin whispers sheepishly as he reaches for his ears. "So are you going to introduce yourself or what?" Yoongi asks quite rudely. "Don't mind him he's a tsudre." Jin say this time at a reasonable volume. Namjoon quickly turns his note book to an empty page and writes something on it. 'I'm Namjoon. I'm mute sorry if it troubles you.'

"Don't apologize." Yoongi says with a serious look. "You can do nothing about that fact and the people that make you feel like you should apologize for it should apologize. Besides their a lot of ways to communicate. Like sign language." 'You know sign language?' Namjoon quickly writes. "Yeah, we both know since I'm a bit more than half deaf." Jin says pointing to his hearing aids. Just than the school bell interrupts them. "We'll see you later Namjoon." Jin says picking up his stuff as Namjoon waves at the two.

Namjoon didn't think he would see the two again until he sees that there's a number scribbled on his note book. As soon as he gets home he goes on his phone and adds the number.

Yoongi or Jin?

Unknown number
the one and only Yoongi

change unknown number to Yoongi
[yes] or [no]

Why did you leave your number?

Because you seem like a cool guy.

Oh , okay
normally people cut ties with me as soon as the know I'm mute

Well those people are assholes
I'm just tsudre

You seem cool too

How about we get to know each other?
Do you know twenty questions?

Yeah, how about you begin

Sure, how old are you?

I'm 16
And you?

I'm 17
Call me hyung

Okay hyung


Drawing, reading and writing
I also composed songs

I also composed and write songs :)

What's your relationship with Jin?
You guys seem pretty close

He's my brother
I was adopted into his family
Favorite color?

I don't dislike any color


Beautiful silence (Namgi)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt