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Namjoon couldn't even look at Yoongi as they sat in the same cafe. Jimin and Hoseok words echoed trought his head. Did them telling him mean that he had a change with his crush or was this just some cruel joke.

Even after all this he couldn't help but think that they were just going to leave him. Over the past months they had become closer than he expected. But the insecurities he gained from past relationships keeps making him think that he was going to end up alone at some point.

"Joon? Are you listening?" Yoongi asked. Namjoon looked him in the eyes for the first time since they arrived. He shook his head and quickly circled his fist over his chest signing sorry. "Its okay. What on your mind?"

Namjoon grabbed his note book as he thought of an excuse before he wrote down something.

"Your parents are coming back home?" Yoongi asked as he read the note book. It wasn't technically a lie. He would have told Yoongi what he was really thinking if it didn't involve him confessing his feelings.

"Oh, is that a bad thing?" Yoongi asked. Namjoon shrugged at the question.

After some light conversation coffee and a shared piece of cake Namjoon got a idea. He wrote it down in his note book and shoved it to Yoongi's side. He didn't see Yoongis reaction when he read it because he was afraid of how the elder would react.

"Of course I would like to come over." Yoongi agreed without thinking. He got excited too quickly and didn't think this trought. 'Shit, why did u say that. I'm definitely not ready for that.' He thought. Their was so much that could go wrong and he might loose his chance with the tall dimpled boy if he even had any chance to begin with.

Namjoon couldn't help but smile at the older. He was already exited to show him his library and reading nook.

Beautiful silence (Namgi)Where stories live. Discover now