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As soon as Namjoon opens the door he's met with a hysterical mother and angry father. Even the maids look disappointed. "What in the hell made you think it's was okay to go out outside of school?" His father asked angered. Namjoon tried to sign that the maids knew but his parents wouldn't listed. "What did we do to get such a disobedient child. Isn't your voice getting take away a lessons enough for you?" His mother asks pinching her nose. "Give me your phone, laptop and the rest of your gates." His father orders. Your under house arrest. You won't be leaving this house till we say so. That also means no school." His father says before walking away.

Normally Namjoon wouldn't mind not going to school but this meant he would lose his friends quicker than expected. He was so angry at his parents. They always brought up sensitive subjects and throw it on him as if it's his fault.

All Namjoon wanted to do was disappear form the world. Then he wouldn't be in pain or cause others trouble.

He laid in his bed later facing a sleepless night. His thoughts were racing with what would happen at school when he wasn't their. Even if he knew that it was an illusion he like to imagine what he and his friends would have done. One friend in particular stood out. He liked seeing the grumpy older smile. It was the cutest thing he had ever seen. He also like how he always reassured when he felt down because of his lack of speech.

Namjoon suddenly felt the urge to say his name. In an hopeless attempt he opened his mouth. But then a sound came out. His eyes widened as he tried again. "Y-yoo." He winced in pain as the sound traveled from his damaged vocal chords. In years he hadn't been able to make a sound but now he was half way in pronouncing his friends name. "Yoon. Yoon." He tried again his voice was rough from not using it for so long. Sadly he had to stop as pain rippled true his body. He felt exhausted from just trying to say one word. He didn't care that his throat hurt like hell at the moment. This meant that their was hope for him regaining his voice. That night he fell asleep with a smile on his face and an incredibly painful throat.

Beautiful silence (Namgi)Where stories live. Discover now