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The next day Namjoon still felt exhausted. He didn't want to go to school. But the maids had practically forced him out of bed. Not really out of concern but if he didn't go to school they would probably get fired. Especially with his parents coming back so soon.

Arriving at school he tried to avoid his friends but that didn't last long because Jin was waiting for him at the gate. "Hi Joon." He greeted. Namjoon waved at the older with a half smile. "You okay?" Jin asked. Namjoon sighed before shaking his head. "You want to talk about it?" Jin asked getting and another no from Namjoon before the taller circled his fist over his chest signing 'sorry'. "Don worry about it. We all have our off days. Now let's get to class."

The day dragged on for Namjoon. He kept feeling worse as time past. Especially with luch coming faster than he thought. The thought of seeing Yoongi stirred up butterflies in his stomach but also made him uncomfortable. After what happened yesterday Namjoon had a lot of mixed feelings about the older.

"Hi, Joon." Yoongi greeted making Namjoon stiffen up completely. "Joon you okay?" Yoongi asked soft trying to alarm the rest. All Namjoon gave was a choked breath. This rang all alarm bells in Yoongi's mind. "Namjoon let's get out of here." Yoongi said dragging an almost pliant Namjoon out of the cafeteria.

Namjoon tried to breath. He really tried. But Yoongi's voice just brought back so many memories and insecuritys with him. All he could think of was how Yoongi would leave him because of how pathetic he was. He couldn't even handle a bit of affection.

"Namjoon. Please look at me. Your safe. No one is going to hurt you. All you need to do is breath. Your having a panic attack. It will be over soon. Just breath with me." Namjok could hear Yoongi's voice but it sounded like he was under water. He couldn't hear or see clearly as his throat seemed to be closing up even more. "Namjoon you can do it. I believe in you. All you have to do is breath."

Then it felt like everything just stopped.

Beautiful silence (Namgi)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt