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The next day Jin wasn't the one waiting for Namjoon when he got to school. Yoongi was standing there instead. Namjoon couldn't help but find him adorable as always. He had a big blue hoodie on that basically draped of him and gave his sweaters paws but his sharp gaze witheld people for approaching him.

That same sharp gaze Yoongi held turned into a soft welcoming one when he saw Namjoon coming his way. He felt butterflies in his stomach more that ever since his walls were down and he wasn't surpressing the emotion like before.

"Hi." Yoongi signed with a shy smile. Namjoon grabbed the olders hand and signed 'hello' with his free hand before they walked into the school.

"Kookie look." Taehyung whispered to Jungkook as he saw Yoongi dropping Namjoon of at his firts class. "Jiminie hyung is going to love this news." Jungkook whispered back. "His ship is finally canon." Jungkook smiled.

Namjoon sat in front of the two boys. He really wanted to start a conversation but he wasn't really close with the two like Yoongi and Jin were. So he just sat there trying to come up with something.

Luckly Taehyung started the conversation for him with tap on his shoulder and a piece of paper. 'So WhatI up with you and Yoongi hyung?' The paper read.

Namjoon quickly scribbled down and anwsers before handing it back. 'He is my boyfriend now' seemed to be a good enough anwsers for both boy as big grins were forming on their face.

Before anything else could be said the lesson started and Namjoon knew it would be a great day.

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