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Finally a update on time

Namjoon couldn't believe what had happened. Yoongi had basically confessed to him. Thinking about it just made his stomach explode with butterflies. He had been rolling around on his bed thinking back at the wonderful moment.

But not only had Yoongi confessed he had also kissed him. Granted it was on the cheek but it was a big deal as the emotionally closed off boy rarely showed his affection.

Once again Namjoon was overcome with the same butterfly explosion making him let out the few sounds he could with out hurting himself that resembled squealing as he rolled around.

His session was stopped when someone knocked on the door. He quickly regained himself before walking to the door and finding an worried maid.

"Young master are you okay? I heard some concerning noises as I walked past your room." Namjoons face flushed pink in embarrassment as he waved of her concern. The thought of Yoongi really messed him up. But in the best way possible.

Going back to his room he found his way onto his bed. He really wanted to see Yoongi again. Or at least talk to him.


Namjoon started at his phone not knowing what to say. What was he supposed to say after Yoongi basically confessed to him. Key word basically. Yoongi didn't actually confess to him. He just said that he was letting his guard down. And just like that Namjoon began overthinking the situation as he felt his stomach drop.

Soon enough his breathing picked up. The sudden change in mood had him slowly spiral into a panic attack. He was familiar with them but he never could get accustomed to them. The firts time his mother was there when it happened and helped him but that was before they drifted apart. Now all he had were the maids who didn't even dare say a word to him without the proper titles.

As his oxygen supply became less the room started to spin. He had to do something before he would pass out but in his panicked state he could barely think. He felt like he was dying. The terror of the realisation made tears from as he clutched his chest. 'I'm going to die.' He repeated to himself as the tightness in his chest kept growing.

'Breath Namjoon!' He tried yelling at himself but the room just spon faster. Trying to take deep breaths Namjoon just sat there as he chocked on most of his attempts. 'Breath.' He yelled in his head. He was getting desperate for air.

It took him approximately a 20 minutes to get his breath to a semi normal pace. The terror in him had subsided and he had completely slumped on his bed not finding the energy to move. He just laid there as he took deep breaths.

Beautiful silence (Namgi)Where stories live. Discover now