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As the car pulled up to the gate Namjoon looked out the window and spotted his friends. "Master Kim. You will need to have a bodyguard with you at all times." Rang to his head as he watch the looked over to the man behind the wheel. He wanted to ditch him already.

"Hi, Namjoon. Who is your big friend over their?" Jin asked. The bodyguard behind Namjoon was extremely buff and nearly as tall as Namjoon himself. 'He's not a friend but my bodyguard.' Namjoon signed sighing. "Bodyguard? What do you need a bodyguard for?" Yoongi asked. Namjoon shrugged but he knew the reason for it. He just wasn't comfortable with people knowing. "Well these rascals are Jimin, Taehyung and Jungguk." Yoongi said pointing at a some boys. One had pink hair the second a light orange and the last one was black. Namjoon just shyly waves at the boy's.

"Well let's go. I made snacks for a picnic." Jin beams.

Namjoon was having a blast. He never hung out with people. These people didn't make him feel out of place or lonely. For once was brightly grinning but not because he finished a good song. But because he felt like he belonged.

Sadly his fun was cut short when his phone went off. No one calls him because they know he won't be able to answer. He looked confused at the ID. It's his mother.

"KIM NAMJOON WHERE ARE YOU? I CAME HOME TO FIND THE HOUSE EMPTY APART FORM THE MAIDS!" His mother yells true the phone alerting everyone. "PLEASE TELL ME YOUR WITH YOUR BODYGUARDS. IM NOT ABOUT TO SEE YOU IN A HOSPITAL BED AGAIN BECAUSE YOUR STUPID ASS DECIDED TO DO AS HE PLEASES." Namjoon felt his heart break because of his mother's words so instead of listening he hung up while she was still yelling.

"Namjoon hyung are you okay?" Jungkook asks. Namjoon honestly wants to cry and yell out his frustration but he doesn't. He just signs something. Jungkook looks over at Yoongi for translation. "He said that he's fine." Yoongi speaks but their is clearly something troubling him. Namjoon quickly says goodbye to everyone before they can question him and disappears.

Beautiful silence (Namgi)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt