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Yoongi and Jin were waiting for Namjoon at the same table as the sat on yesterday. They had a free period before lunch so they just spend time waiting and talking.

"Here." Jin said as soon as Namjoon was close enough to hear him. Namjoon hesitated a bit before taking the piece of paper. On it was Jin phone number. "I don't think it's fair that you are only able to talk to Yoongi outside of school." Jin pouted. "We're all friends." 'Friends?' Namjoon asked looking at Jin confused. He had thought that by the end of the week the two would be gone. "Yeah. You don't have many of those, do you?" Jin asked hesitant. Namjoon shakes his head. 'I never had a friend.' "What?" Yoongi nearly spits out his drink. "How come you haven't got friends? Us being an exception." Yoongi asked getting back to his calm and cold posture. 'I'm mute and it's unpleasant for people to deal with me.' Namjoon signed. "Like I said yesterday their assholes." Yoongi said taking an other sip from his drink.

"Here you guys are." A red haired boy with high cheek bones said out of breath. "Hoseok. What happened?" Yoongi asked worry slightly painting his face even if his voice sound cold with no emotion. "Nothing is wrong." Hoseok reassures him knowing Yoongi would deal well with being stressed for no reason. "The music teacher just wanted to speak to you about some scholarship." As soon as those words left Hoseoks mouth Yoongi beamed with excitement. "Really? Where is he?" Yoongi asked getting his things and as soon as Hoseok answered him he bolted throwing a quick goodbye.

"So hyung who's this?" Hoseok asked referring too the taller boy with platinum blonde hair. "That's Namjoon. He's mute." Hoseok tougher for a second. "That just means he can't talk, right?" Hoseok asked just to be sure. Hoseok didn't want to upset Namjoon by offending him. Jin nodded. "Well nice to meet you Namjoon." Namjoon smiled at the cheerful boy.

'This is going to be interesting.' Namjoon thought as he ate his lunch.

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