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It's been nearly a month since updated sometimes. Enjoy.

Namjoon went to school the next day with an anxious itch under his skin. He wasn't sure if he would still have friends after being gone for a few days. Maybe they found a chance to escape without being noticed when he was gone. A sad sigh left his lips as he got out of the car.

Walking up to the school he suddenly got attacked. With wide eyes he watched the human that was draped over his body. "I so glad you're back." That voice sounded familiar. It was Jin hyungs. "I'm sure Yoongi would be happier than me. He seemed to be worried." The person said as he detached from us body. Now he could see that it was indeed Jin Hyung. Namjoon just stared at the older confused. "Joon are you okay you look like you just saw a gosht." Jin said concerned. Namjoon waved the elder off as they started to walk in the direction of the others. A smile creeped onto his face. He still had friends.

"Hi, Namjoon hyung." The maknaes of the group greeted cheerfully along with Hoseok enthusiastic greeting. Namjoon couldn't help but let his gaze travel to Yoongi who was silently reading. Namjoon reconsigned the book instantly. It was a Percy Jackson book. He loved that book series. He wanted to talk to Yoongi about it but the older seemed to have tuned the world out.

"Don't worry about him. This usually happens when he needs alone time." Hoseok chirped. "He doesn't want to leave the group but needs some quietness so he tunes the world out." Jin explains further. 'I like the book he's reading.' Namjoon signs. "Yoongi is obsessed with those books. He won't shut up about them." Jin sighs as he rolls his eyes.

"I heard books?" Yoongi says suddenly as he lays his book down. His face instantly brightens at the sight of Namjoon. A blush makes it's way up to Namjoons cheeks as he sees the other smile at him. "Yeah, Namjoon was just saying that he likes the book you are reading." "Really? What is your favorite Riordan book?" Yoongi's ask him.

The entire lunch after that is spend by Yoongi rambling about books. As Yoongi talked his face had a staying smile. "I'm rambling aren't I." Yoongi asked with an embarrassed blush on his face as he looked away. Namjoon nudged the olders shoulder smiling brightly beforehand signing that it was okay. It felt like he finally had some to fill the silence he couldn't fill.

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