Chapter Three

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We are not friends, neither lovers nor enemies; just strangers whose hearts speed up a little each time our gazes meet, after all.-via weheartit

Friday at school, I hear a deep voice call from across the hallway as I'm opening my locker, "Diana!"

I quickly turn to see who could be yelling my name, and am surprised to see Noah Jackson casually strolling down the hallway with his two other friends behind him. Curious eyes trail after him, before sliding in my direction.

"Good to know you remember my name, Noah," I greet, slightly confused. "Hey Hunter, Damon."

His friends do small, cute waves. Hunter wears a winning smile. I find his blond, curly hair and boyish features to be quite endearing; he's a trademark boy-next-door. He has those pretty green eyes and carefree smile that could charm just about anyone.

Damon, on the other hand, isn't hot, but moreso beautiful. He has caramel skin and brown eyes, along with a mess of curly, black hair. He is taller than the other two boys, and that is saying a lot, since Noah is already quite tall. Damon has always been handsome to me, but now that I am standing so close to him, I find that he looks more ethereal if anything. Unrealistically pretty.

With a friend group this attractive, it is no wonder they are known by everybody in school.

"Noah tells me you have a friend for me," Hunter grins. "And I am happy to fulfill this lucky girl's dream of getting to know me."

I look at Noah in disbelief. "You weren't supposed to flat out tell him. You were supposed to casually slide it into the conversation and see what his actual thoughts on being set up is." God, boys are dense sometimes.

Noah runs a hand through his hair, exhaling dramatically. "That's too complicated. You asked, I delivered. Here you go, Hunter James on a golden platter for your pretty friend."

Hunter huffs, "I feel like I'm being sold out right now, but for some reason, I don't really care. Who's the girl, Diana?"

"If you come to the party tonight, you'll find out." I say, amused.

Hunter winks cheekily. "As long as you're there, I'm there."

I laugh at Hunter's attempt at flirting while Noah hits his friend on the back of his head. "Alright, tone down the flirting, Hunter. We're getting you with her friend, not her."

Hunter pouts dramatically, "You're breaking my heart here."

"You have to excuse my friends," Damon says, laughing gently. "They can act quite dumb in front of a pretty girl."

"Look who's flirting now," Hunter points at Damon in accusation. "Noah, hit him!"

I stare at the three boys, confused, as they all begin yelling over each other and trying to hit each other. Is it possible to have a more immature group of boys in front of me? I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn to see Thalia, watching the boys, just as confused as me.

They begin imitating each other mockingly, Damon doing a high pitched voice which I'm guessing is supposed to be Hunter.

They suddenly stop arguing as they look at Thalia, the tall, dark haired beauty emitting intimidation and confidence. With her leather jacket, white t-shirt and dark jeans, she looks equally stunning and frightening.

Thalia ignores the boys stares and turns to me, "Would you mind coming a little earlier than eight with Aly and Katia? We need help setting up the party."

"Yeah, no problem," I tell her. "I'm going over to Alyce's house after school. We'll come by at six."

Thalia smiles. "Thanks Diana, you're a life saver," She then turns to the guys, Damon in particular ogling at her. "I'll see you guys tonight?"

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