Chapter 38

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Shortly after going to lunch Barry and Y/N headed back to the station, heading up to Barry's lab, and presumably away from Patty. Barry sighed as he laid eyes on the case files on his desk, still, very little physical evidence for the case had been found.

"You okay?" Y/N asked, noticing Barry's lingering gaze to the paperwork on his desk.

Barry nodded slowly, "This case is just going to annoy me for the next few weeks. I don't know what I'm going to tell Singh," he sighed.

Y/N frowned before wrapping her arms around Barry, "I'm sorry," she murmured into his chest. "Maybe I could stay and help?" she offered, pulling back to look into his eyes.

Barry smirked, "You are going to be the only thing keeping me sane," he replied.

Y/N smiled, "I'll take that as a yes," she said pecking his lips softly with her own.

"You know, for as much as you're here, and as much as you do. You might as well work here," Julian told Y/N as he walked into the lab.

Y/N let out a soft laugh, "Where's the fun in that?" she joked. "Besides, being a superhero is job enough for me," she added.

Julian grinned, "It was just a suggestion," he replied. "What's the word on our newest case?" he asked, opening a few of the files on his desk.

"Not much," Barry replied, walking over to his desk and looking over the paperwork, Y/N followed and Barry handed her a few case files. "The bodies formed the letter 'T' and we found trace fibers from latex gloves," Barry explained.

"So the murderer wore gloves, could you maybe track the latex and find a distributor or manufacturer that sells those same gloves? Then trace the shipment?" Y/N wondered.

Barry nodded, "Great idea, but the fiber is from the same gloves we use. They ship out to hospitals and police precincts all over Central City. Tracking them would be impossible."

Julian let out a frustrated sigh, "What about the letter 'T', could the attacker be spelling something? His name perhaps?"

"That's an interesting idea," Y/N noted. "But there is a common link between our two victims," she added. "They were both metahumans," she said looking over the blood and DNA analysis.

"You're right," Barry confirmed. "That's is the only thing linking these two people. Maybe someone with a grudge against metahumans?"

Y/N shrugged, "It could just be a coincidence," she added.

"No such thing," Joe said walking into the lab, being greeted by three scientists. All of whom were stumped beyond belief.

Barry looked up at Joe, "Do enlighten us," Barry replied.

Joe shook his head, "I'm afraid I can't, I was hoping one of you three might have something."

"Nope," Y/N said. "We did find one thing, both victims were metahumans, that's the only common link between them that we could find."

"Well, technically, Y/N found it," Barry added, flashing a smile at her.

"That's interesting," Patty said walking into the lab unexpectedly. Y/N could feel the tension in the air before she continued. "Because the last time I checked Y/N didn't work here, and shouldn't be looking at active cases."

Y/N grew tense, clearly not wanting to deal with Patty right now, on top of everything else. Barry stepped forward, putting himself between Patty and Y/N.

"If I remember right, I do recall you being a detective and running a few forensic tests a few years back. Those were tests that you weren't authorized to do, but you didn't see me complaining," Barry replied harshly.

Patty continued to glare at Barry, her eyes never wavering, she quickly shifted to Y/N before leaving, more than likely heading back to the squad room.

"Something tells me she doesn't like me," Y/N said stepping out from behind Barry to rejoin the group.

Barry wrapped her arm around her, "Who cares what Patty thinks?" he said kissing the top of Y/N's head. Y/N appreciated the gesture, she too wrapped an arm around Barry.

Joe sighed, "This is going to be one hell of a case, call me if you find anything else," he said leaving Barry's lab.

"I'm going to head to S.T.A.R. Labs, maybe see if Cisco has anything that can help us," Julian said leaving as well.

Y/N and Barry stood silently for a moment before Barry spoke up, "I'm sorry about the whole Patty thing," he apologized.

Y/N shook her head, looking up at him to meet his worried gaze, "It's not your fault, you don't have to apologize to me."

"I know, but I feel like I do," he replied, burying his face in his hands.

"No," Y/N said pulling his hands down and cupping his cheeks in her palms, "You don't," she said kissing him.

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