Chapter 44

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Y/N reached up and grabbed Joe's arm tightly. "Devoe," she whispered, barely able to speak, but still, she wanted to get her point across. "Iron Heights, and the prison's Devoe..."

Joe didn't quite understand what she was saying, he just knew that he had to get her to S.T.A.R. Labs, and fast. He knew that a hospital was prepared to handle this situation, but Julian was at S.T.A.R. Labs and he had a good chance of being able to help Y/N.

"I can get her to the hospital in my squad car a hell of a lot faster than an ambulance," Joe said picking Y/N up into his arms. "Trust me," he told Singh before he left.

Singh usually would have protested or rejected the idea, but he chose to let Joe take Y/N on his own. He knew as well as anyone that Joe considered Y/N to be like a daughter to him, and he wasn't about to get in the way of family.

Joe walked into the Cortex with Y/N in his arms, he had called Cisco and Julian and notified them of his coming.

"Lay her down here," Julian said clearing a medical room beside Barry's for her. "What happened?" he asked as he looked Y/N over.

Joe stumbled on his words for a moment, "She was fine one second and on the floor the next," he explained. "She kept saying something about Devoe and a prison break," he added.

Cisco pondered the thought for a moment before leaving and going into the Cortex to his array of computers to confirm one of his beliefs, he just had to find evidence first before showing it to Julian and Joe.

"Y/N," Julian said softly as he turned her head towards him. "I need you to open your eyes," he told her.

Y/N weakly opened her eyes, squinting when Julian shined a bright light in them. "I'm sorry, but it is necessary," he told her. Y/N nodded slowly, her chest felt heavy, almost as if was hard to breathe. Y/N started coughing roughly, Julian turned her on her side and tried to soothe her, but to no avail.

"She's running quite the fever," Julian mentioned to Joe with a grim expression.

"Barry," Y/N choked out, she wanted, no she needed to know how Barry was. Joe sat with Y/N, just trying to comfort her in any way he knew how, but nothing was working.

"He's okay," Joe told her. "Barry's okay, you just focus on getting better." Joe sat by Y/N, just holding her hand until she calmed down. Cisco then walked in and pulled Joe aside into the Cortex.

"I know what Y/N meant," he told Joe in a happier tone.

Joe nodded, "Okay, what was she trying to say?" he asked.

Cisco pulled up a photo of a man at Iron Heights, and then another photo of the same man at the precinct this morning. "This is one of the metahumans that helped Clifford Devoe escape from Iron Heights," he explained. "He touched Y/N and minutes later she was experiencing the same symptoms as the others."

Joe's expression dropped, coming to the realization that Devoe had once again been able to hurt Barry and Y/N. "Do you have a way to find this guy?" Joe asked.

Cisco nodded, "I'm working on it, but it's slow going," he replied. "You should spend some time with Y/N and Barry, they need you right now," Cisco added, turning and looking into the rooms of the med bay, both speedsters looking awfully ill.

Joe nodded, heading back to the med bay and sitting down beside Barry's bed, he had just woken up, meanwhile, Y/N was asleep.

"How do you feel?" Joe asked as Barry wearily opened his eyes, squinting slightly at the bright lights above him.

Barry shook his head, "Terrible," he answered honestly. "But how's Y/N, she didn't sound so good earlier."

Joe could tell that Barry was worried about Y/N, and he had a right to be. "She's okay, for now," Joe told him. "She's a little worse off than you, but she found out who's behind all of this."

Barry nodded, "She's always been the smart one," he joked, coughing slightly.

Joe rubbed his back in an effort to soothe his son, "I haven't seen you this sick since you were a kid," he reminded Barry.

Barry nodded, "I haven't been sick since I got my powers," he told Joe. "And I can assure you that I most certainly didn't miss the feeling."

Joe frowned, wishing that he had a way to help Barry and Y/N, or any of the other victims. He saw that Barry had closed his eyes, finally finding some peace. He stood up and left Barry to rest while he rejoined Cisco in the Cortex.

Julian sighed when he saw Joe approaching him and Cisco. "Joe, Y/N's condition is progressing faster than expected. She's grown worse than Barry, we need to find this metahuman and hope that he can reverse the effects."

Joe paused for a moment, standing silently. "I should tell Barry, he'd want to know," Joe finally spoke.

Cisco shook his head, "You should let Barry rest, he needs it, they both do. Let's hope we can find this metahuman and that we can save them both."

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