Chapter VIII

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Gunfighter's POV:

As I pushed the idiot away I heard the group stop after hearing his footsteps on the wooden floor. I whispered at him as I looked at the door cocking the hammers on the shotgun in hand, "Got a name Rummy?" He took a sip from his flask before answering me, "It's Qrow cowboy. What's the plan now?" Rather than answer him, I stayed quiet and waited for the footsteps to stop in front of the door before I made a move. He was about to ask again till I shushed him. "Check the buildings. Someone's here because these horses didn't tie themselves off." I backed a little further from the door before one of these guys approached it and kicked it in. As the door swung open I lifted the street howitzer to my shoulder and aimed right at his chest before pulling one triggers. I heard Qrow jerk back from the loud blast leaving the barrel tearing open the guard's chest before he hit the ground a couple feet back from where he stood. Qrow stood there looking at me as I quickly closed the door waiting for the next fool to come through. "What the fuck was that!? What happen to letting them pass!?" I turned around and punched him right in the nose before standing over him while replying, "They would've saw the horses moron. Get busy fighting, or get busy dying." I walked up to the door and kicked it off its hinges back out and let it land on the guard that was on the other side. Quickly looking to the left I shot the guard trying to stay hidden from sight and let loose the last barrel into his head before throwing it at the guard taking aim at me towards the front. As he blocked the gun from hitting him, I drew my revolvers and started blasting at the guards who stayed in the open. Each time I pulled the trigger I cocked the hammer on the other revolver watching every flank they could shoot me from. I heard a loud crash and walked over to the scene where I saw Qrow fighting another guard with a sword. Rather than letting him finish him off I pointed my left revolver at the unsuspecting guard and shot him right in the back of the head, splattering his brains all over Qrow's shirt. He glanced down in disgust and anger before looking at me to which I walked away looking for the others that I haven't killed. "You asshole! That was my fav-" Qrow quickly jumped into a window as I jumped into a open door and kicked it shut as a guard unloaded his automatic rifle into the building we were standing by, now stuck in. "Got any more bright ideas?" I growled at his sarcasm and put my revolver to the wall, as I heard the footsteps rushing around outside I pulled the trigger and held tight as the recoil lifted the barrel up and away from the wall. Qrow flinched from its piercing blast that came from the gun before coming to his senses. "There's too many of them!" He said leaning behind me. Not answering him I got up and moved towards the shattered window and started to pick off the guards looking at the hole I made in the wall..and their comrade. Reloading my revolvers I mentally counted the voices I heard outside. One-three-five, no there's nine. Three moving from the right, one in the building across the road, five standing in the front. As I closed the chamber I looked over at Qrow and said, "Kill any of them who get in." He look at me wondering what I was planning before I moved into the window and started to fire at the last bunch with my guns in each hand.

Qrow's POV:

I looked at the jerk off reloading before he stared at me saying, "Kill any of them who get in." I was about to ask what the hell his plan was before he started shooting out the window I jumped through. Each shot he took sounded like thunder as he squeezed the trigger shooting at whatever he sees. I clutched my weapon and slowly crouched beside him and said once more. "There's too damn many! You can't take them all!" He cocked one revolver while firing the other before replying, "That's a fact." "I'm not gonna let my niece die because you want to kill every damn criminal, terrorist you loathe." Before I could leave him the front door was kicked open and slammed into my face knocking me down. I felt nauseous from the door while trying to grab my weapon that I dropped. As I rolled to my side and grabbed it I felt a gun pointed to my head before another shot flew near my. I looked behind me while on my knees to see one of the White Fang laying on his back with a chunk missing from his forehead. "I told you to watch the door." I looked at the gunfight reloading his guns not looking at me. "Next time I won't save your ass."

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