Chapter XIII

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Gunfighter's POV:

Do I really frighten her that much? I asked myself while standing outside Glynda's room door. She didn't even hesitate kicking me out using her semblance in a heartbeat the moment I came into view at the back of her room. I was gonna protest, but she just said, "We'll talk about this another time when the students aren't here!" Without any of the students hearing her. I stood out in the hallway confused for a while before heading back to my room to clean my guns, or maybe take them out back for some target practice. I went back down the hallway I had just came from and kept my hands in my pockets listening to the sound of my spurs echoing off the hallway while I made my back to my room. As I walked down each hallway, crossing each corridor, I could shake the feeling something was coming for me. I kept my head down, covering my face with my hat as I continued back to my room thinking what could be coming after me. Once I got to my room I looked behind me and entered before closing and locking the door waiting for the next day to come. As I started to lay my guns over the bed looking at them, I started to think about everything I've told Ruby and the rabbit girl, Velvet. What was I thinking!? While I questioned myself for the rest of the day, the sun started to go down and I decided to turn in for the night.

???? POV:

I got off the airship in the middle of night with the moon looming over the place. Near the docks I saw a kid in a grey clothing waiting for me near the warehouse I was flown to and he asked me as I approached him, "You the guy she hired?" I put a cigar in my mouth without lifting my head to show my face and replied, "She sent a boy to find me? Now ain't that a joke." He got angry at me and tried to get in my face till I put my Peacekeeper to the moron's head. "Now, hold up there. We wouldn't want a necessary death now would we? Might look bad for business." He growled in angry at me till a arrow shot past my face, instantly grabbing our attention. "Indeed, it would be bad for business." The woman wore a red dress and had a noticeable scar on the side of her face while standing there with a black bow in her right hand while forming another arrow from her other hand. Seeing that gave me the impression she was something now to mess with so I put my gun back into its holster and said, "Now let's start at the beginning." She made her bow disappear and replied, "Fine by me." We stood there under the moon as I asked, "I am the man you hired missy. Mind telling me who you want dead?" She smiled and responded, "Come with me, I'll give you the details inside." I rather just get the pint, but seeing some White Fang come behind her armed gave me the impression she wasn't someone to mess with. Rather than be disrespectful I said, "Much obliged." And I followed her in. As I followed her, the girl with the mint green hair stared at me, specifically my mechanical arm and asked, "How did that happen?" I started to drop my smirk and replied, "Someone I shouldn't have crossed did this to me. I'll be damned if I never get back at the sumbitch for what he did to me." She didn't follow up with anything after my answer, but didn't stop staring at my robotics and gun close to her. Once we got into her 'office', she sat at the long side of the table with her two associates behind her standing on her sides. I sat across from her and asked, "Mind telling me your name?" She kept her same smile as she replied, "Cinder Fall. Yours?" I smirked answering, "All in good time, so who's the person you want dead?" Her smile started to fade as she responded, "We don't know his name, but we happen to know where he is." I leaned forward and asked, "How do you not have his name, yet know where he currently is?" Cinder wasted no time pulling her scroll out and brought up a picture on it before showing me the man she wanted dead. As I stared at the picture I started to drop my smile with every second passing. I gently took the scroll from her hand and kept looking at it as she asked, "You know him?" I started to scowl at the bastard on the scroll before handing back to her rather forcefully before responding. "I do." I said while looking at her. She smirked knowing I now have her full undivided attention. "How much for him?" She asked confident. Burning that bastard's image into my head I replied, "Tell you what, usually I'd charge you a large sum, but I'll do this for free." Cinder and her lackeys looked at me in surprise before she asked, "Why would you do that?" I wasted no time answering, "Free of charge in return for his location." "This guy is full of shit! He can't do-" I quickly pulled my Peacekeeper out and shot a large group of hair off his head causing him to stand there frozen and staying quiet. She looked at the hair I shot off before looking back me saying, "Very well then, he's at Beacon right this very minute. Ozpin hasn't sent on any mission lately, so he hasn't left. Take this number and call me when it's done." I nodded and took the number till she asked, Mind if I ask you a question?" I looked at her and nodded. "Why is he so special to you that you'd do this job for free?" I turned my back to her and headed for the door before I responded. "I've got unfinished business with him." She then asked one more question, "Want some people to go with you?" I didn't look at her, but I did say, "No, he's all mine." I exited the room and ran into the infamous Torchwick heading in the direction I came from. "I should warn you, he's not someone you can just kill and move on from." I looked at him curious to what he meant. "Mind explaining real quickly?" He walked past me and replied, "The gunfighter, he's not someone you can get the drop on and walk away. I was lucky I managed to get away. He wasn't after me that night, but're going to him, making it far more easier than any before him." He turned back the way he was going and left. After that little moment I left the warehouse she was hiding at and went to find a place to stay for the night before getting back at the bastard. It's time for some payback old man.

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