Worries and Secrets

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        You woke up to complete silence. 'Why is it so silent?' You rubbed your eyes with your fists as you sat up. You were in the same bed that you were on last night with Cry, which was expected. Why would you wake up anywhere else? You noticed a note sitting beside you, which was probably from one of the guys. Propping yourself against the wooden bed frame, you read the somewhat neat handwriting. 


        "Hey Friend! Me and Pewds went out to get some more supplies and just explore the place. You're probably mad and are going to yell at me later, but please understand that we did it for your sake. The sooner your ankle heals up, the better. That's why we left you behind. I wanted to at least wake you up, but Pewdie forbid me from doing so. Marzia is there with you though... so maybe you guys could spend some time together? We'll be back before sun down. See you soon (Y/N)!


        You sighed, silently cursing at yourself for being injured. You wanted to be out there with them, but there was nothing you could do about it. At least Marzia was here. Maybe you guys could talk.. if she ever woke up. She was injured and could be out cold for a while. What were you going to do. You would surely die from boredom before they got back.  Seeing it as the only thing you could really do, you laid back down and stared up at the ceiling. It was white, like most ceilings: Nothing special. The walls of the room were painted with a white color with a blueish tint, which contrasted with the green covers on the bed. It kind of bothered you, but this was an apocalypse: what could you do, go out and buy some paint? New bed covers? No thanks. 

        "Felix?" Marzia mumbled groggily. She must have just woken up.

        "He's not here. Neither is Cry. They both went out to scavenge."

        "Oh." She said. You could tell she was disappointed. There was a moment of silence before she came into your room. She sat down beside you, making the mattress raise slightly.  "Why didn't you go with them? Not that I want you gone or anything... you just seem like you would have gone with..." She asked shyly. She didn't want you getting the wrong idea. You didn't mind though. You knew what she meant.

        "Well, yeah I definitely would have... if it weren't for my ankle. I injured it a few days ago... the day I ran into Cry to be exact. That's why he was carrying me. I can't walk at all. They told me that I should stay behind so my ankle can heal up." You sighed.

        "Well I'm glad your here. I don't like being alone." She smiled. She was so adorable. 

        You smiled back at her. You noticed her wince a little bit. "How are you feeling?"

        "Okay. It still hurts a lot, but I feel a lot better than yesterday."

        "Well, at least you can walk." You joked. It made you sad though; you would do anything to get back on your feet. 

        Marzia decided to change the subject, since she could see it was upsetting you. You talked for hours, sharing your interests, and conversing about some of your dislikes and biggest fears. You told each other stories and just all sorts of random stuff. The whole time she talked, she did her little hand motions that she does when she talks during her videos. You were actually surprised at how much you didn't know about Marzia. Somethings you would have never guessed in a million years, which was cool. Eventually you got on the topic of YouTube. You told her all about the people you were subscribed to, including her, Pewds, and Cry. She talked to you a lot about things that she did with PewDiePie. You noticed her beginning to tense up. You were both silent for a moment. 

        "What's wrong?"

        "Oh nothing!" She forced a smile. It didn't fool you though. You could see the hurt expression hidden within her face. You were about to ask her again, but instead she spoke up. "Hey (Y/N). Did you ever meet Cry and Pewds in real life? Or did you meet them here?"

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