❤Prologue ❤

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"I think you're being stupid", Hime laughed at her friends stubbornness, "things would be a lot simpler if you'd just tell him how you feel already". Megumi sighed, "that's a lot harder than it sounds!! ", she protested. "It didn't seem hard every other time you've had a crush. You know how you walk up to whatever guy you like, tell him you like him, get rejected and then we comfort you with sailor moon and ice cream ", Iona teases with a knowing smile. Megumi seemed to like people very easily. Which was good when making friends, but bad because she watched way too much romance anime and really never understood her feelings.
"It's different this time", she sighs, "if he rejects me, things will be.... different ". "They'll be different if he feels the same too", Yuko points out. "Is that a good different?", Megumi questioned, looking at her friends like they would know the answer. "I know how you can find out", Yuko claimed. "How!? ", Megumi questioned excitedly. "Tell him!! ", Hime shouted in annoyance. "R-right okay!! I can do this!! ", she stuttered, trying to sound determined. She stood up and walked out of the classroom, waving at her friends excitedly.

"Seiji!!! ", Megumi screamed, running to catch up to him. "What's wrong? You could've stayed in longer. I would've waited for you", he responded in concern. "Y-yes but I have something to tell you!!!! Yep!!! That's why I'm here surprise!! ", she cheered awkwardly, not knowing where she was going with this. "What is it? ", he asked amused at her usual silliness. He wouldn't admit it, but he was a lot happier when she was around. "Ummmmmm.. ", she paused, trying to choose what to say next, "I think I have someone new I like". "Who is it? ", he asked somewhat disappointed that that's all she wanted to tell him. "It's um kinda actually um.... ", she sighed knowing she wouldn't be able to tell him today, "I can't tell you yet!!! ". "Why?", he responded knowing her answer was going to be something ridiculous. "The magic won't work if I tell anyone!!!", she blurted out sounding so excited that it almost sounded forced. He raised an eyebrow at her sentence. "Did you buy one of those love charm things at a shrine again? Because I thought you learned the past two times that those don't work", he teased. "Hey!! I only bought one of those once!! This is better! This is going to work!! ", she explained, her eyes twinkling as if she really believed that. "And what is this 'magical thing' that's going to work? ", he questioned teasingly. "Ummmm... I", she paused realizing she had no idea what she was talking about, "I can't tell you that either!!". She smiled and then added : "But I'll tell you if it works". He sighed and rolled her eyes at her. "Are you ready to go home now? ", he spoke, picking up his school bag from the ground. She nodded cheerfully. They continued to talk to each other the whole way home, but Megumi barely knew what she was saying. The whole way  only three things remained on her mind.
1. What type of weird magic thing she should make up to do, so she isn't lying.
2. How she was actually going to tell him how she felt.
3. If there was a way for her to get him to hold her hand without it being awkward.

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