❤Day 27❤

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24 days to go....  
      "Counting today, there's exactly 4 days till the weekend ", Hime exclaimed. Iona rolled her eyes. "I thought you enjoyed school? ", Iona smirked at her friend. Hime flipped her hair dramatically. "I don't enjoy it. I just happen to be very good at it". Iona rolled her eyes again and turned her attention to Megumi, annoyed with Hime's cockiness. "Did you ask him? ", she asked curiously. Megumi shook her head no and laughed a little. "I decided I'm just going to continue going to the magic place and not try to figure out if he likes me or not before the 51st day!!!", she exclaimed. Hime sighed, "it would be so much easier if you just told him now!! ". Megumi smiled and nodded. "Maybe it would be, but maybe everything will end up okay if I have some sort of magical thing to help me!! ", she answered in excitement. Yuko nodded, "that's a good way to think about it!! ". "I still think you're relying too much on the magic ", Iona shook her head. "Well I'm going to hope!! ", Megumi giggled.
       "How many days till we can stop getting up at this time?", Seiji questioned that night. Megumi had asked him to meet a few minutes earlier because she had a special place in mind she wanted to go. "24 days left!! ", she exclaimed excitedly. She was getting more and more excited to tell him her feelings. She was actually starting to believe he'd return her feelings. He shook his head. "What? ", she giggled, tilting her head in confusion. He smiled, "I didn't think you'd keep this up for so long". She wanted to protstest, but she understood why he'd say that. "Neither did I ", she admitted. They began to walk towards the direction of the magic place, but when they got there she continued walking. "Where are you going? ", he questioned, staying near the small hill and watching her continue to walk ahead. She turned around. "I want to go somewhere more magical tonight ", she giggled, "you don't have to come with me; you can go home now if you want". She continued to walk for a few minutes, wondering if he would actually come or not. He sighed, "I'm coming". She hated to admit it, but she was really happy he wanted to come. Besides, the place she wanted to go was somewhere he showed her anyways. That's why she wanted to go there. Because it was the place that he said was magical. "Where are we going tonight? ", he asked, matching his steps with hers. She felt her heart race as they walked in sync next to each other, scared her heart was racing so quickly she'd fall over. She reached for his hand in attempt to balance herself and due to the fact that she longed to feel the warmth of his hand wrapped tightly around her own. Sure enough he tangled his fingers through hers causing her heart to flutter. She smiled at their interlocked fingers and rested her head on his shoulder. "I wanted to go to that place you showed me a few weeks ago", she giggled, "you said it was more magical than my magic place!! ". He laughed, "yes, but I didn't mean we should go there every night". "And we won't ", she responded, their hands still tied together, "I just want to go there tonight!! ". "Did something happen today? ", he asked her, his voice sounding concerned. She shook her head, "nothing different!!! I just.... ". She didn't know how to get the last part of her sentence out. I just want to spend more time with you..... She shook her head and giggled. "Nevermind!! ", she said, trying not to be embarrassed at the thought. He studied her expression for a few seconds before looking away, the walk falling silent. She felt happy at how comfortable they were with each other, but it almost made her worry that he wouldn't like her back because of that reason. What if he thought of her more as a sister? They didn't fight like siblings, but he didn't fight with his sister either. Plus they knew each other since they were babies. She looked at their hands. Yeah..... He can't think of me in that way, right? I don't think siblings hold hands like this..... She shook off the thought and they continued to walk, hand in hand. They finally got there after what felt like forever, due to the fact that their usual walk was really short. She looked around and smiled. It was just as beautiful as it was last time. The smooth pink petals were still falling in a way that looked as though they were being painted right into the sky, and they seemed to swirl in a circle before landing gently on the ground. The trees also left a sweet scent of cherry blossoms as the branches blew in the wind, dropping the heart shaped petals. She stared in awe at the scene and looked up at the sky. Please help me remain confident even on the day of the confession....
Day 27 ☑
AN// Oki!! One more and I'm all caught up!! I'll have more time tomorrow, so expect two chapters then!!

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