❤Day 24 ❤

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27 days to go......
      "Do I have to wake you up every morning? ", he sighed, brushing his fingers through her hair. "I don't want to wake up yet~", she cried. She swatted his hand away from her forehead and smiled, her eyes remaining closed. "Too bad ", he responded, rolling his eyes. He picked her up and threw her onto the ground, causing her to open her eyes. "What was that for? ", she cried, rising to her feet. "I didn't have another way to wake you up", he teased. She jumped at him, throwing a blanket onto him. "I can think of a lot of different ways, and the one you chose is the worst!! ", she stuck her tongue out and winked. "What ways? ", he smirked. You could've kissed me.... "Um..... Never mind ", she mumbled.  He laughed at her and shook his head. "I'm going to go get ready", he told her, "I'll see you soon". She nodded and folded her blanket back onto her bed, humming to herself happily. She got dressed quickly and grabbed her phone to see if Ichika responded to her text about them coming to visit. She smiled, noticing that she seemed excited about it.  It'll be fun to see Ichika-chan again!!! She smiled and rested her phone down, grabbing her hair brush and brushing it through her pink hair.  She then tied her hair up carefully and grabbed her phone again. Today is going to be so much fun!!!
         "I'm going to keep the map, so we don't get lost this time", Iona said seriously, taking the map from Hime's hands. "Hey!!! It wasn't my fault!! ", Hime stated defensively. "You were holding the map upside down!! How was it not your fault!!? ", Iona snapped back, holding the map up and studying it carefully. "I thought you guys knew where you were going?", Seiji questioned, raising an eyebrow at the colorful haired girls fighting. "We eventually found it last time!!", Megumi answered with a giggle, shrugging her shoulders. She took out her phone to text Ichika, letting her know they'd be there soon. She also wanted to text her to see if she'd help them get there just in case.
        "See? I told you you were holding the map wrong last time! ", Iona said, holding the map out and pointing to the sidewalk in front of them. They had ended up in the middle of nowhere last time, but now they seemed to be on the right path. Hime pouted, "it wasn't my fault!! ". The bickering continued again as the two argued over whether or not them getting lost the previous time was Hime's fault. Yuko shook her head and smiled at Megumi and Seiji. "It looks like we'll get there sooner this time ", she spoke in a calm happy tone,  pointing towards the colorful building in the distance. "Hooray!!", Megumi cheered throwing her arms up into the air excitedly. Seiji watched her excitement in amusement. He laughed softly. "What? ", Megumi questioned in curiosity. "Just the image of you all wandering around in the middle of nowhere is kind of funny", he answered truthfully. "But then Ichika-chan found us!! ", Megumi exclaimed. Yuko smiled, "I wonder how she found us". "It must have been magic!!", Megumi cheered, excited at the idea that their meeting with Ichika was all some sort of magical thing. Seiji sighed, "you really think that's the reason? ". "Yes!!! ", she responded, nodding her head happily. "I think it's a possibility ", Yuko agreed. Hime jumped into their conversation, "no no!! You all are weird!! Magic doesn't exist!! ". "Prince on a white horse ", Iona spoke monotone. Hime gave her an offended look, "that's entirely different!! That isn't magic!! ". "Then what is it? ", Megumi asked curiously. Hime gave a serious look and smiled dreamily at the sky, "it's fate".....
      "Ichika-chan!!!", Megumi cheered, running towards the younger girl with her arms flailing around. Seiji shook his head and grabbed Megumi's ponytail, pulling her back gently. "Wah!!! Why did you do that!!? ", she cried looking up at him in confusion. He sighed, "we're in public. You shouldn't just run up and hug people". "But it's not a random person!!! ", she said in defense, "it's my friend!!!". He rolled his eyes and let go of her hair, allowing her to finish running up to her friend. She hugged her cheerfully, as a thank you for letting them visit. Ichika jumped excitedly and smiled at everyone. "It's nice to see you all again!!! ", she exclaimed. "You too, Ichika-chan ", Yuko smiled and nodded. Megumi shifted her attention back to Seiji, "see? Ichika-chan was okay with it!!! ". He shook his head,  "I guess you're right ". Hime smirked at the two and walked up past them, walking over to the display of food. "What should I get today!? ", she said excitedly, eyeing all of the sweets. Iona shook her head, "sometimes I feel like I'm babysitting you all instead of hanging out with you". Megumi giggled and hugged Seiji, "I think he can help with me!! ". He rolled his eyes, "so I have to babysit you then? ". Yuko looked around at the place again,  remaining silent as she studied her surroundings. "You okay, Yuko?", Iona questioned, taking note to her friends silence. Yuko nodded, "I think one day, I want to own a place like this!". She continued her admiring and smiled, nodding to herself at her newfound wish.
          "Thank you for coming with us today!!! ", Megumi said gratefully once they had parted from their friends. Seiji nodded, "I have fun being with you". She smiled proudly at his reason for spending time with her. "Um... You don't really feel like you have to babysit me, right? ", she asked in embarrassment, feeling a little nervous those were his true feelings. If that's how he feels, we'll probably never be together.... He laughed, "of course not ". Her eyes widened happily, "really!!? Because I thought you felt like that earlier today!!". He shook his head and reached for her hand, interlacing their fingers. "I was only messing with you", he admitted. She smiled at their hands that were tangled together. He's holding my hand again!! She held back her excitement as they made their way to the "magic place ". Once they got there, she let go of his hand gently, feeling a lonely feeling as soon as she let go.  She looked up at the sky and remembered Hime's words from earlier.  "It's fate...... ". She looked back at him and smiled. Maybe we're fate too.... She nodded and walked back over to him, feeling no need to make a wish tonight. She grabbed his hand again, feeling like she was allowed to do that, and the two walked home together.
Day 24 ☑
AN// So I know I said I wouldn't get behind, but I had my dads uncles funeral this weekend and things were just a little hectic. I'll try to either post all 3 chapters tonight, or post two today and two tomorrow. Thanks again for reading and have a lovely day!!

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