❤Day 12❤

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39 days to go.....
"Ohayou SeiSei!!! ", Megumi cheered, throwing her arms around him as a greeting. "Please don't call me that", he sighed at his overly affectionate friend. If he could even still call her just that. "Fine!!", she pouted, she let go of him and smiled at him. They walked to school in a content silence, peeking glancing at each other, trying to figure out how the other felt. What if we're in love with each other...? Her heart races as she sees the "magic place ". Everything that's happened between them there, it all makes her feel more confident. Yes!!! This time, everything will turn out okay!!!!
          "Good morning guys!!! ", Megumi cheered walking over to her friends, "thank you for letting me bring Seiji this week!!". Hime smirked, "are you sure you guys aren't dating yet?". Megumi's face turned bright red, but she couldn't help smiling at the thought. "N-not yet! ", she responded, feeling more confident.  She felt like she had a chance this time! "You seem more confident this time", Iona noticed with a smile. "I guess I am", Megumi giggled. "Go Megumi-chan!! ", Yuko cheered at her. "Arigatou!! ", she responded. As she sat down, her eyes caught his. I'm confident this time.


        "New rule", Iona stated seriously that day at lunch, "we should come up with what we're doing this weekend today and we should plan Sunday too!". Megumi giggled, "But it's funner to come up with things closer to the weekend!! ". "Funner isn't a word ", Hime sighed, "and I don't even know what food I want this weekend yet!! ". "It's not all about the food! ", Iona scolded, "do any of you have ideas?". Megumi's eyes lit up and she smiled, "Can Seiji come with again? ". Yuko laughed at her love struck friend, "of course he can". "Cookies!!", Hime shouted. "What? ", Iona questioned.  "This weekend I want cookies!! ", Hime shouts. Iona shakes her head, "hopeless. You all are hopeless". "We could make cookies! ", Yuko smiles. "Oh!! Yay!! That would be so much fun!! ", Megumi agreed. "And I get my cookies!! ", Hime nodded. "What do you think Iona-Chan?", Yuko asked, making sure everyone was good with the plans. Iona nodded, "I guess that's good". "Yay!! We have plans for once!!", Megumi exclaimed. "Wait! ", Iona sighed, "we still don't know what we're doing Sunday!! ". "That can wait! ", Hime argued. "But it's better to know! ", Iona snapped back. "Maybe we should wait", Yuko giggled. Iona sighed, "hopeless I say". "We love you too Iona-Chan!! ", Megumi exclaims, hugging all of her friends tightly.

         A loud noise sounds from outside the apartment building, after school that day. "What's that!!?", Megumi excalims, jumping behind Seiji. He shook his head, "thunder. It's raining". "Oh! ", she moved, embarrassed at her fear and got back to doing her homework. "Maybe we should skip on your weird magic thing tonight?  It looks like it's not going to stop raining", Seiji suggests, peeking out the window, seeing rain poring down quickly. "No!! It'll stop!! ", Megumi excalimed, "I believe it will!!". He shook his head, "so we're still going, then? Even if it's raining?". She nodded, "well I'm still going!! You don't have to come with me if it is". "No! I'm going with you! I don't want you to get sick", he sighed in concern. "I won't get sick!", she protested. He grabbed a strand of her hair and twirled it in his fingers, their eyes meeting. Their faces both became red at the proximity of their lips, leaning towards each other until another loud noise sounded from outside. They both jumped backwards, hearts still racing from what almost happened. W-what would've happened if there was no noise....???
      She stepped outside of her door, careful not to wake anyone. Her heart raced as she snuck out, not because she was afraid of getting caught, but because she was afraid of what Seiji would say to her when they saw each other. He left pretty much right after their "incident" and she was worried things would be awkward. Stepping out of her apartment with a sigh, she wraps the blanket around herself.  "Hey", Seiji smiled at her, his voice barely above a whisper, "you actually stayed quiet tonight". She giggled, "I didn't think you'd come tonight ". He shook his head, "I already told you, I'm never letting you go alone". She felt happy at his words as they began to walk outside of the building. They noticed quickly that the weather wasn't the best. The wind was blowing rapidly, and there were dark grey rain clouds that seemed to take up most of the sky. But it wasn't raining. Not yet at least.  "Let's hurry before it starts to rain", Seiji suggested, not really wanting to go home soaking wet. Megumi nodded, and they took off running towards the "magic place". Megumi laughed excitedly, feeling as if this was a game. "You're such a child", Seiji sighed, just as they got there. They were both out of breath from running, almost forgetting they were still outside.  A loud boom sounded from the sky, reminding them that they needed to hurry if they didn't want to be stuck in the rain. Megumi looked up to the sky and smiled.  Please help me be able to understand how he feels.... Another loud boom sounded, almost feeling like an answer to her wish. "Hurry!! ", he shouted. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back towards the apartment. But the rain was faster than they were, and they ended up running home in the rain. "I'm sorry!!! ", she screamed over the loud droplets of rain. He sighed, "just please don't get sick". She nodded, and they headed back to the apartment buildings, walking this time due to the fact that the rain had already gotten them wet. It took her a while to notice, but their fingers were still intertwined with each others, and they stayed that way until they parted ways. 
Day 12 ☑
AN// yay!! I'm staying caught up!! Lol have a lovely day!!

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