❤Day 21❤

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30 days to go.....
       "What should we do this weekend? ", Megumi giggled that morning. Hime opened her mouth to answer, but Iona held her finger up in protest. "If you say one thing about food, I swear Hime... ",Iona lectured. Hime sighed, "you're no fun". "I think we shouldn't plan anything ", Yuko answered, "won't it be fun to figure something out on Saturday?". "Yay!!! That sounds like fun!!! ", Megumi exclaimed in response. Iona panicked,"No!!! ". Hime snickered, "Iona is a perfectionist ". "I am not!! ", she protested angrily. "Yes you are!! ", the blue haired girl shot back. Yuko giggled at her friends bickering and turned her attention to Megumi. "Are you going to invite Seiji again this weekend? ", she smiled. Her eyes lit up at his name, but she looked down in embarrassment. "I d-don't know", she smiled thoughtfully, "I don't want to seem like I'm forcing him to be with us". "You know", she let out a giggle, "if you want to go on a date again I can handle those two". "I d-don't think last week was a date!! ", she swung her hands around in attempt to convince her friend. Yuko smiled, nodding to her friend and turning her attention back towards her fighting friends.
      "What are you doing?", he sighed, that day while they were doing their homework. He got up from his spot on the floor and inched closer to where she sat. "I'm reading!!! ", she giggled, seeming proud of herself. He shook his head. "You're reading a manga ", he pointed out. She shrugged her shoulders, "still reading!! ". He placed his hands over hers, placing her in front of him, and took the manga out of her hands. "Pay attention to your homework ", he scolded, placing the manga off to the side. She pouted cutely and rested her head on the table. "Why can't reading sailor moon be my homework? ", she questioned, not looking up from the table. He put his arms around her from his place behind her and pulled her close to him. "Because it's not going to help you in life", he explained. "You don't know that for sure!!", she stuck her tongue out at him,  trying not to make eye contact due to how close they were. He sighed again, "maybe it will help you someday, but right now you need to do your homework ". "Fine", she pulled away from him enough to grab her pencil and try to do her homework. He rested his head on her shoulder. "Do you need any help? ", he whispered, causing her cheeks to heat up. Have we always been this close?? She turned her head, curious of how close they would be. Her face turned even redder as their eyes met, and at the realization that their lips were only centimeters apart. She studied his face, noticing his face was just as red. Does he love me back, or is he just embarrassed at how close we are? They leaned in slowly, trying to inch their lips closer, wanting to kiss each other, but they were both to scared to talk about it. When there lips were just about to meet, they heard the sound of the door opening. They jumped away from each other, faces still dyed red and hearts still racing. "Hello!! ", Mao smiled at both of them as she walked through the door, "Seiji, mom is getting off work earlier tonight!!! She wants us both to be home". Seiji nodded and then turned his attention back towards Megumi, "I'll see you later". She nodded and watched him walk away and out of the door.  This is the second time this has happened......
       "We can't go if it's raining, last time you got sick", Seiji sighed. He picked up the blanket and wrapped it back around Megumi, gently nudging her in attempt to get her to go home. "But I didn't go last night!!! ", she exclaimed, "besides, I have an umbrella now, so I won't get sick!!". "Fine, but I'm not going to let you go in the rain again if you get sick this time ", he gave into her pleas. He took the umbrella out of her hand and opened it, holding it above her head, matching her steps. She smiled to herself as they walked towards the hill.
       They walked there slower than usual, due to the fact that they were trying to avoid the rain. Once they got there, Seiji sighed and followed Megumu over to the hill, still trying to guard her from the rain. She giggled at his over protectiveness. Looking up at the sky, she smiled. Please let nothing interrupt us if we ever come close to kissing again...... She could barely even say the words in her head as she turned to look at him. He seemed to be deep in thought, so she gently poked his cheek signalling that she was ready to go. He rolled his eyes and smiled, nodding to show her understood.  The way home was silent, but she was glad he let her go tonight.
Day 21 ☑
AN// Annnnnd I'm still behind  😭 I probably won't be able to catch up till the weekend so I apologize! Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!!

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