❤Day 34❤

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17 days to go....
        "Happy Tuesday!!! ", Megumi giggled skipping into the classroom. "Ugh only Tuesday? I feel like it should be way later in the week", Hime complained. "you're just saying that because you only get to see your boyfriend on weekends ", Iona smirked. "That's not true!! ", Hime denied in a complaining voice, "I can see Hinata whenever I want!! ". "Except right now", Yuko pointed out, shrugging softly. Hime sighed. "Stupid school ", she mumbled, "why does he have to go to a different school? Why can't he just go here?". "There there ", Yuko giggled, patting her shoulder in attempt to calm her. Hime let out an annoyed groan.  "You're lucky Megumi! ", she said louder than her previous mumbling, "Seiji goes to this school! ". Megumi nodded and gave a small, somewhat sad, smile. "Maybe that's true", she spoke softly, "but you and Hinata-kun are official and I seem to keep losing my confidence so um....". "We believe in you", Yuko encouraged gently. "Yeah ", Iona agreed, "things will definitely change between you two very soon". She smiled at her friends gratefully. "Th-thank you!!!! Arigatou, mina!! ".....
        Maybe they're right!? Maybe things really will change in 17 days!! Omigosh only 17 more days!! Am I ready...? I guess we'll find out soon enough!! These days my feelings towards the confession seem to be all over the place.... Some days I feel one hundred percent confident that he'll accept my feelings and we'll be together and I'll finally of had a confession that went well!! Other times I feel confident as far as being able to confess to him go, but I feel almost certain it'll end in failure like my other love confessions. Although I feel certain we'll at least remain friends if that happens.... I wonder if I could even consider the other "confessions " love confessions. I don't really think I came close to loving any of those guys..... Or maybe I did, but it just feels different this time do to the fact that I've known Seiji my entire life... Would I still love him if I hadn't known him for as long....?? I guess that's a question I can't answer..... Oh and then the rest of time.... Like the way I'm feeling now... I almost feel.... I almost feel completely hopeless. Like the only thing this confession will do is push him out of my life.... It'll just weird him out.... He won't be able to be around me..... Everything will be completely, one hundred percent awkward!! B-but that could never happen right? If he rejects me, he'll at least stay my friend, right? I won't lose him entirely, right? And if that is a possibility.... Is this.. Is this a risk I'm willing to take? Oh my... It must be later than I thought it was .... I feel...... 
    "Megumi? ", she heard a familiar voice, seeming to come from nearby. She was too asleep to open her eyes and find out who it was though, so she continued to sleep, cuddled up into her blankets. "Megumi? ", the voice said a little louder, as if it was a hint he was getting closer. "Oh thank goodness ", the voice said as if it was letting go of concern, "I was worried about you". Her eyes fluttered open barely, focusing on the figure in front of her. "Seiji? ", she spoke softly, seeing her childhood friend standing in front of her, "what time is it? ". "It's 3:00 am", he responded, "why did you stay asleep? ". "I don't know", she giggled, "I guess I just had a lot on my mind and ended up falling asleep without setting an alarm. She sat up, making room for him to sit down next to her. "Anything you need to talk about? ", he questioned, giving her a slightly concerned look. She shook her head. "No no!! I'm okay!! ", she responded happily. "Are you still wanting to go to the hill?", he questioned. He put his arms around her gently, trying to make sure she really was okay. She happily cuddled into his arms, welcoming his hug. "I guess I can make a wish from here tonight, if it's too late to leave ", she answered looking out the window. "Okay then ", he chuckled, ruffling her hair. They sat in silence for a few minutes before he spoke up. "Do you want me to stay with you? ", he whispered softly. Her face turned red due to the fact that she was usually the one asking for things like that. She nodded softly. "yes! But only if you want to", she answered. He rolled his eyes. "You act like I hate you", he teased, "now go make your weird wish, we have school tomorrow " . She giggled and stood up, walking towards the door. She swung it open gently and walked over to the door to the balcony. She slid the door open and walked outside. Please just let my feelings remain calm.... Please let me believe this confession isn't hopeless....
Day 34 ☑
AN// stilllll behind.... I probably won't have time to catch up this weekend too..... Saturday is homecoming lol anywayyyssss thanks for reading and have a lovely day!!!

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