❤Day 6❤

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45 days to go....
"What did you do this time? ", Hime teased, motioning to the band-aid on Megumi's finger. "Oh! ", Megumi giggled, "I fell down the hill at the "magic place "yesterday". Iona shook her head, "This is why Seiji goes with you every night". "It's true", Yuko smiles, "he cares about her very much". Megumi blushes and smiles, remembering the events of the precious night. Maybe here was hope for her? After all, he did care a lot and it was only a cut on her finger. She smiles again and looks at Seiji from across the room. I wonder what he thinks when he does all those things....?
"How many days do you have left now? ", Hime asked curiously. "46!! Counting today!! ", Megumi responded excitedly. Iona shakes her head, "why wait that long? Are you afraid your feelings are going to change? ". "No", she gives a small smile, "the opposite of that actually". Yuko smiles, "you seem like you're really sure of your feelings this time". Megumi nods excitedly, "I am!!". "Ughhhh you're lucky! You don't even have to try to find someone you're meant to be with! He lives right next door!! I'm still waiting for... ", Hime pauses. "You're prince on a white horse? ", Iona smirks. "Shut up! ", Hime snaps back "....actually yes that's what I was going to say". "Maybe that will happen one day, Hime ", Yuko giggled. "Don't give her false hope!! ", Iona scolded. "D-do you really think we're meant to be together?? ", Megumi asked seriously. "And Hime, stop giving Megumi false hope",she repeated. "I don't think either aren't possible ", Yuko giggled. "You all are insane ", Iona sighed, "why do I put up with you? ". "Because you love us!! ", Megumi exclaimed, hugging her up tight friend. "Yeah Iona", Hime added, "and we love you too!! ". She then hugged the purple haired girl as well. "Yuko", Iona pleaded, "help". Yuko jusy giggled and shrugged her shoulders getting an evil glance from Iona in return.
"Bye bye "magic place" see you soon!! ", Megumi exclaimed, waving to the hill on their way home. Seiji rolled his eyes, "you don't have to say bye to a place". Megumi laughed,"but I want to!!". He smiled at her and shook his head then looked at her finger. "Is you finger okay? ", he questioned, still sounding concerned. "It's just a cut! ", she exclaimed, "it's completely fine! ". "Are you sure there's nothing else? You did try to hide that from me", he explained. She giggled and shook her head, "nothing else! ". "Good", he responded. She smiled excitedly. Hes worried!! Cute!! ~ "What are you smiling about? ", he raised an eyebrow. "hmm nothing!! ", she responded. "nothing? ", he repeated. "Just that you care about me!! ~", she said excitedly. She half expected him to jokingly deny that, but instead he looked at her seriously and said : " I do care about you". She stopped walking, kind of shocked that he would respond that way. She knew he cared about her, but she never thought he'd say it out loud. She was still so shocked that she didn't notice he had continued walking until she saw him ahead of her. "Wait for me!!!"...........


"Please be careful and maybe don't go on the hill tonight", was the first thing he said to her when they were walking to the "magic place". "I'll be okay!!!", she responded, "it was only a cut". "You still fell down a hill", he pointed out. "You weren't paying attention either! ", she giggled, recalling what happened before she fell off the hill the night before. He sighed, "Fine, you're right ". "Really!!? Yay!! ", she exclaimed. "be quieter people are sleeping", he warned. She smiled, "But we're outside!! ". He rolled his eyes, "I'm shocked you've kept this up so long". "It's only been 6 days!! ", she pouted. "Yes, but you usually try to stay up late watching anime, I don't think you can do that and do this", he explained to her. She sighed dramatically, "you have no faith in me!! ". "Are you ever going to tell me who it is you like? ", he spoke up after a few seconds of silence. She didn't look at him, "on the 51st day... ". "So after the confession? ", he questioned, sounding both annoyed and curious at the same time. "Something like that", she responded. He rolled his eyes again and laughed. "What? ", she questioned turning to face him. " I guess I've just never seen you so sure about your feelings", he said to her. She nodded, "yeah.... I'm sure about this". "That's why I want to know who is", he admitted, "so I can make sure he won't hurt you". "Trust me", she smiled, "I know he never would hurt me". "Good", he responded. He didn't look at her though. He looked straight ahead and made sure to keep distance between them, which wasn't something she was used too. He almost looked as if he was sad, but she decided against it. She decided she was only tired and not seeing straight. She didn't like the distance. It felt awkward, and it almost felt like it was certain he didn't like her back. She tried telling him to get closer, but she couldn't get words out of her mouth. She could barely move. It's like all the confidence she had about this confession disappeared the moment he walked away. Well I guess it's back to the beginning of this.... She sighed, made a quick wish and then turned around to leave, not even able to tell him she was done. He understood her, though, when she walked away and they walked the whole way home in silence, the distance remaining even after they parted ways. Please help this awkwardness to go away!!!
Day 6 ☑.....
AN// well I'm all caught up now!! Which means only one chapter tomorrow!! Thank you for reading this!! Have a lovely day!!

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