❤Day 33❤

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18 days to go....
       Oh right!! It's Monday.... That means there's school today... I wonder if Hime will tell us about her date yesterday? ~ Megumi got out of bed at the realization of what day it was and put her school uniform on quickly. She haphazardly tied her hair into her usual ponytail and threw her shoes on before running out the door.
       "Hinata is just so amazing ", Hime sighed dreamily. Much to Megumi's assumptions, Hime did speak of her date the day before. Since he was proven to be safe on the first date, Hime and Hinata were allowed to go on dates without any with them now. It made Megumi happy to see her friend so happy, but that didn't stop the words her friends had said yesterday from lingering. She shook her head, attempting to shake her thoughts away. It failed though. The fear of losing her friends continued to grow. She put on a fake smile and continued to listen to Hime's story. "What did you guys do yesterday? ", she asked after a few minutes of explaining her date. "Oh!! We went to that little cafe!! ~", Megumi giggled, explaining the events of yesterday. "Yeah", Iona nodded, "we wanted to go visit Ichika, but figured we should wait for you". "Well I would've been fine with you guys going to see Ichika", Hime laughed, "as long as you'd bring me back some waffles! ". "We'll keep that in mind", Yuko giggled. "Hey I missed you guys this weekend though...", Hime admitted, "do you think next week Hinata could just come with us? ". Does this mean we'll all be together again this weekend!!? Megumi nodded excitedly. "HOORAY!!! ", she cheered, "I wanna be with everyone!!". "We never agreed ", Iona smirked. "Of course he can come with us", Yuko smiled, ignoring Iona's previous comment. "Thanks guys! Cause I already told him he'd see all of us this weekend!! ", Hime laughed. "Of course you did", Iona shook her head. "Oh!! Can Seiji come again too!!? ", Megumi questioned excitedly. She loved weekends when they were all together and now Hinata would be joining their group too! "Do you think we'd let Hime's boyfriend come and not let your boyfriend come? ", Iona smirked again. She loved teasing her friends more than anything. Their reactions were funny to her. "Th-thank you b-but we're not together y-yet", Megumi blushed embarrassed. "Not yet", Yuko smiled. Megumi gave a hopeful nod.  Not yet.... But maybe soon....
       "You don't have to ask me if I'll hang out with you guys every single weekend ", Seiji sighed, "I already told you I would". "I know!! ", Megumi giggled, "I just wanna make sure you still feel that way". He grabbed her hand, rolling his eyes at her as their fingers interlaced. "I'd tell you if that changed ", he reassured. "Okayyyy!! ", she looked at their hands, trying not to make eye contact with him. I love having moments like this.... She gave his hand a squeeze as they comfortably walked home, just enjoying each others company. I wonder if we really will be in a relationship soon....? I wonder if he'll except my feelings....? She giggled at her own thoughts, feeling more excited and sure of herself the closer the day of the confession became. "What are you laughing at? ", he raised an eyebrow. "Nothingggggggg~", she responded with another little laugh. He shook his head. "You're weird sometimes ", he said with a laugh. "But you still care about me!! ", she said feeling a little embarrassed that she pointed that out. She expected him to deny it, but instead her smiled at her and nodded. "I do", he admitted, "I care about you more than anyone else, so don't get hurt, okay? ". She nodded, her face stained red, and they walked home the rest of the way in silence.
          "Boo!! ", she threw a teddy bear at his face from where she stood in the door way that night. He caught the stuffed animal before it could hit him and rolled his eyes. "Nice try, but I'm still not scared ", he said throwing the teddy bear back at her. She attempted to catch, but instead it went flying towards her and onto the ground with a soft thunk noise. She picked up the stuffed animal and pouted cutely before throwing it back through the door and walking out. She closed the door behind her softly, careful not to make too much noise. "You seem better than last night ", he smiled, "you also have way to much energy ". She giggled, "I'm just getting more excited now!!! Only 18 days left!", she exclaimed quietly. He sighed, "be careful". She didn't expect his response to be so serious, but she knew his reason why. He didn't know who it was she liked, and he probably thought it was someone who would hurt her. If only he knew.....
     When they arrived at the "magic place", she only had one wish. She looked up to the sky, her eyes sparkling with hope. Please don't let Seiji keep worrying about me.... Everything is going to be okay! ~
Day 33 ☑

❤オサナナブル (Childhood blues) ❤Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin