❤Day 26 ❤

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25 days to go......
       "Stupid rain!!! I wanted to go do something yesterday!!! ", Hime complained, throwing her head onto the desk with a loud thump. "There's always next weekend", Yuko laughed, reassuring her friend. Hime let out an annoyed sigh. "That's too far away!!! ", she cried, her voice sounding muffled due to the fact that her head was still resting on her desk. "Quit your complaining ", Iona scolded, sitting down in the seat next to her. "Rainy days aren't so bad! ", Megumi giggled, still wondering what Seiji's words had meant.  will I ever know who he was talking about....? She sighed hopelessly and rested her head on her desk, similar to her blue haired friend. "Is everything okay? ", Hime asked in concern, lifting her head up and stopping her complaining. Megumi nodded. "I'm just confused", she answered, "but other than that everything is okay!!!! ". Her friends exchanged worried glances, wondering if everything really was okay. Iona shrugged and they all turned back to the front of the classroom, figuring they'd figure this all out later.
       "Okay something happened yesterday", Iona says seriously after school that day ", you've been all confused all day". They ended up deciding to hang out after school that day, due to Hime's complaining about the previous day being rainy. They ended up going to a cute little coffee shop, that way they could do their homework too. Although they all knew there probably wouldn't be much working. "I'm okay!!!", Megumi giggled at her friends concern, "nothing bad happened!! ". "Okay but something still happened that's bothering you!!", Hime practically yelled, munching on a chocolate chip cookie.  Iona gave her an annoyed look and shushed her. "We're in public, be quieter ", she scolded. Hime narrowed her eyes at her and took another bite of her cookie. "I'm just a little confused ", Megumi admitted with a small smile. Yuko looked over at her from the other side of the table, "about what? ". She sighed. "Well since yesterday was rainy I stayed home, and since Seiji lives next door he just comes over on rainy days and I was bored, so I asked if we could watch anime, but he said no, and he asked why I watched the same animes over and over again an-", she stopped her rambling to take a breathe, her friends laughed at her over worded explanation. "Okay slow down!! ", Yuko giggled. Hime nodded, "I could barely understand you!! ". "We want to know, but you don't need to tell us so fast", Iona shook her head. Megumi laughed and smiled at her friends request to slow down. "I told him I thought that it was amazing ", she started again, "you know that everyone has someone they're meant to be with? ". They all nodded, understanding what she meant. "The guy I'm meant to be with is a prince on a white horse!! ", Hime said enthusiastically. Iona rolled her eyes, "this is all so unrealistic ". "Anyways, I asked him if he thought he'd ever find that person and.... ", she paused still remembering his words, and still just as confused by them as she was yesterday. "And? ", Yuko smiled curiously, already knowing what was going on. "He said he already found that person,  but I don't know who he's talking about", she finished with a sigh. "So you're trying to figure out if he meant you or someone else? " Yuko questioned, smiling at her friends obliviousness. "Y-yes ", she stuttered, feeling entirely hopeless. "Why can't you just ask him who he was talking about? ", Iona says, rolling her eyes at how dramatic all her friends are being, "if he doesn't mean you then we have all of the anime ready and at least you can stop waking up at 3:00 every night just to go to that stupid hill ". Hime reached across the table and slapped Iona on the face. "Don't be so insensitive!! ", she yelled. "Do you think it would be okay to ask?", Megumi sighed, ignoring the rest of Iona's comment. Part of her knew she'd probably get rejected, but the other part of her had a lot of hope that they'd end up together. Maybe they were meant to be together? "You guys are still friends", Yuko pointed out, "I think it would be okay if you did". "I say no!! ", Hime warned, "it would let him know you've been thinking about it a lot, which would let him know you like him, which would be really awkward if he doesn't like you back". Megumi sighed and looked towards the front of the cafe. "Is it hard to believe there's a chance he could like me back? ", she wondered out loud. "Well it's hard to believe he'd only like you", Yuko smiled, "I think he loves you just as much as you love him".
       "Sorry I didn't walk home with you today!!! ", Megumi apologized once they were outside that night, "Hime kept complaining about the rain yesterday and how we didn't do anything, so we just decided to go do something today, and I completely forgot to tell you!!! And I'm sorry!! ". He rolled his eyes and laughed at her apology. "No need to apologize", he responded smiling at her, "go be with your friends if you want". "Eh!!? But I like being with you after school!! ", she exclaimed, grabbing his hand. He intertwined his fingers with hers calmly, and her heart fluttered at how natural that felt. Should I ask him.....? She decided against it as they walked to her "magic place". It was weird how normal this felt after doing it for 26 days. She looked up at the sky. Please let me not be confused anymore....
Day 26 ☑
AN// so school kept me busy again and I forgot I had Bible study!! So expect another 1 or 2 chapters tonight!! I'm so sorry!! I'll try to catch up!!

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