❤Day 4❤

35 3 0

47 days to go.......

             "I'll never eat pancakes again", Hime dramatically sighs flopping down onto the couch. Yuko giggles, "I highly doubt that". "Yeah Hime, you say that every time", Iona points out laughing. "That place was so cute!", Megumi giggles, referencing the place they went to yesterday, "and Ichika-chan is so nice!!". "Yeah she kept giving Hime pancakes though...I think she should've stopped", Iona points to Hime flopping around dramatically from her place on the couch. Yuko smiles sweetly and laughs, "she would do this even if she only ate 3 pancakes".  "Ughhhhhh I want something different! I want waffles!", Hime pouts. Iona shakes her head,"typical Hime". "So what should we do today?", Megumi changes the subject before Hime can respond to Iona. They used to practically hate, so it was a miracle they'd even made up enough to become good friends. They still would get into little fights though, but despite their differences they were way better friends than they let off. "Let's go get waffles!!", Hime cheers. Iona shakes her head and says, "If you want waffles that bad, let's make them. It will save money". "hehe Iona you sound like an adult!!", Megumi laughs, "why don't we watch anime or something?". "Did he reject you already!!?", Hime screams, falling off of the couch. "No!", Megumi exclaims back, trying to not be embarrassed by her guess. Yuko smiles, "I think we should have faith in her this time". "Thank you Yuko!!!", Megumi exclaims gratefully. Yuko nods and smiles at Iona and Hime. "She knows something we don't", Hime whispers to Iona. Iona just nods as realization hits her. 


    "Why didn't you tell us you knew that  Seiji likes Iona back!!", Iona sternly whispers to Yuko. They decided to go to a cute little shop that sold a bunch of random stuff. Iona suggested it figuring it would be easier to talk with Yuko in private if Megumi and Hime were distracted. Hime just liked to buy things and Megumi was just very easily entertained, so this store was the perfect place to keep them both occupied. Yuko giggled, "I've known for a couple years actually". "Why didn't you tell us?", Iona responded, somewhat offended that Yuko would keep this from her. If Iona had known this, she probably would've been more supportive when Megumi explained her feelings to them. "I just assumed you knew", she responded truthfully. The two looked behind them to make sure their friends were still distracted. Sure enough they're competently amused with a display of chopsticks based off of different animes. Megumi is playing with ones that look like little sailor moon wands and Hime is examining each set, trying to figure out which set to buy. "It's pretty obvious if you think about it", Yuko starts, turning back around, "they're always together, he's always keeping her out of trouble and every time she gets rejected by someone he's the first one to try and cheer her up". "Wow...you're right", Iona nodded dumbfounded, "when did you realize all of this?". "One time when we were spying on one of Megumi's confessions, I saw Seiji watching too, but he looked more upset than supportive", Yuko explained, "then I decided to ask if he liked her and he didn't answer, but he looked embarrassed when I asked". Iona nodded at the explanation and turned around again to look at their friends. "What are we going to do if you end up being wrong and he hurts her?", she asks, not looking away from Megumi and Hime. "What we always do", was her response, "help her until she's happy again".....

         "Why did you want to come here so late at night? ", he asked with a sigh as he rested his bike against a tree.  "Because the magic only works at this time!! ", she exclaimed looking at the sky. "Really? You dragged me here at 3 in the morning for some sort of magic that doesn't exist? ",  he questioned in both amusement and annoyance.  "Well I never asked you to come with me!!", she protested, "and this magic is real! I'm sure of it!!". "What is this even about? ", he sighed knowing there was nothing he could do about this now.  "If you come to this hill at this time of the the day everyday for 51 days, your love will be reciprocated",she explained with an excited smile. "It's been four days",he spoke seriously, "shouldn't this "magic" of worked by now?". She sighed in frustration and continued walking,staying in silence till they got to the hill.  "If you hate coming with me so much... Then don't come with me tomorrow",she explained looking down at her feet. She didn't understand why he was questioning all of this now. He seemed more fine with it on the first day! "Megumi",he sighs. He hugs her and kisses her forehead causing both of their faces to turn red. "I'm sorry", he apologized, "I just don't want you to get hurt and I don't know if this guy is good enough for you because you won't tell me who he is". She stood there trying to think of a response while hugging him back. "Th-thank you for caring ", was all she could say in the end.  Please help us to always care about each other like this....

Day 4 ☑

AN// this chapter might be really badly written!! I didn't have a lot of time to work on it today and I'm worried I might be getting sick 😅😅😅 anyways thank you for reading and have a lovely day!!! ❤

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