❤Day 8❤

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43 days to go......
"Good morning!! ", Megumi exclaimed, walking into the classroom . "Oh thank God!! ", Hime sighed in relief. "You're back to normal, Megumi-chan", Yuko said with a smile. "Yep!!! ", Megumi responded with a smile. Iona laughed, "I'm guessing everything is good between you and Seiji again?". Before Megumi could answer, Seiji walked into the classroom shaking his head. "How?", he asked holding up her school bag, "how do you manage to leave this outside almost everyday? ". He walked over and placed the bag on her desk. "Welllllll", she giggled, "you said almost always, so that means there are some days where I don't do that!! ". She made a heart with her hands and he sighed both amused and annoyed at her silliness. "I don't think there's anything for us to worry about", Yuko smiled. Iona nodded, knowing that everything was okay.

"Tomorrow's Friday!!! Which means the next day is Saturday!! What do you guys want to do this weekend!!? ", Megumi exclaimed that day at lunch. The group of friends had made it a tradition to do something together every Saturday, and they always tried to come up with something on Friday or on Saturday morning. "I say we go get waffles! ", Hime excalimeed. It seemed another tradition in their group was Hime's suggestions always involving food. "I say no", Iona responded, shotting down Hime's idea. Yet another tradition. Iona shotting down Hime's ideas. "What if we make waffles ourselves if Hime wants waffles so bad", Yuko suggests with a laugh. Iona shakes her head, "enough with the waffles!! ". "whatever we end up doing... ", Megumi started, "do you think Seiji can come with us? ". "So it's true", Iona laughed, "you guys did get together yesterday ". "What?", Meguni tilted her head in confusion, "that's not what happened... I-I haven't even been able to confess to him yet". "Oh", Hime smiled, "then he can come and you guys can make waffles together!". "No waffles! ", Iona scolded. "What if we go explore that town from last week? ", Yuko suggested, "it was such a cute place, but we never really got the chance to explore it". "Hooray!! That sounds like fun!!! ", Megumi exclaimed. Iona sighed, "I think we should just stay here this weekend". "Ugh! Let's just talk about this later! As long as I get waffles sometime this weekend everything is fine!! ", Hime threw an arm up into the air dramatically. "We do still have two days ", Yuko nodded."Okay!!! ,Megumi cheered, "then we'll decide later!! ".
"Does that make any sense?", Seiji asked, referring to the math problem her tried to help Megumi with. Megumi nodded, feeling guilty for not paying attention. He sighed, "you weren't listening, we're you?". She giggled and nodded. Of course he'd know that! "Hey Seiji? ", Megumi asked before he could start explaining things again. "What? ", he smiled at her. She felt her heart race as their eyes met. It was weird. She used to not even notice when he would smile at her, but now it was one of her favorite things in the world. It made her heart race and it made her want to be with him more than anything else. I love you!!! "I was wondering if you'd come with us wherever we decide to go this weekend!!?", she asked. Her heart was still racing that she didn't even notice him shaking his head. "I don't want to interrupt your guy's weird things", he explained, "you go be with them, I'll still see you anyways since I have to go to a hill with you every single night". She ignored his comment about "the magic place". He's going to be so shocked when he realizes I've been going there every night, so I can confess to him!!! She reached out and hugged him, "I want you to come with us". He rolled his eyes and ran his fingers through her hair as she continued to hug him. "Fine", he answered. She jumped up from the hug only to throw her arms around him again. "Hoorayyy!!!!", she cheered, not noticing the blush on his face. After a few minutes had passed, he moved her off of him. "We should finish our homework now", he laughed. She sighed, but still nodded, happy they got to spend time together.
That night he got there before her like usual, but this time she snuck behind him and hugged him. "Boo!! ", she exclaimed, laughing excitedly."Try to walk quieter if you want to scare me", he sighed, "why do you have two blankets now? Isn't one enough?". "Because one is for you!! ", she exclaimed, throwing the blanket around him. He put a finger to her lips in attempt to get her to be quiet. Her face turned red at the contact, but she nodded happily and stayed quiet till they got outside. "Why did you bring this for me? ", he asked questuring to the red blanket as they walked away from the apartment buildings and towards the "magic place". "I got it for you as a gift!! ", she responded cheerfully, "as a thank you for coming with me every night". He looked at her smiling face and smiled back at her. "Thank you then ", he nodded to her. She giggled and threw her arms around him as they walked. He reacted differently then she expected, resting his arm around her shoulders and motioning for her to let go. They stared at each other for a moment after that before turning away blushing, but his arm remained wrapped around her. She rested her head on his shoulder, knowing they were almost there and they'd have to let go soon. She didn't want to let go. She wanted to stay like that with him forever; or at least as long as he'd let her before he got annoyed and let go. He removed his arm from her shoulders as they arrived to the "magic place", causing a weird lonely feeling to take over both of them. They hadn't said much since they started walking, but they both knew they'd return in the same pose. Please let things like this to happen between us a lot without making things weird!!

Day 8 ☑

AN// Ahh!! I honestly didn't think I'd finish this chapter today!! Anyways thank you for reading and have a lovely day!!! ❤❤❤

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