❤Day 19❤

20 1 0

32 days to go....
"So how was your date?", Hime smirks the next day at school. Megumi's face instantly heats up at the words. "I don't th-think it was a date", she stuttered out in response, denying the possibility of yesterdays events being a date. It very well could've been, but she was still to afraid to ask. "Well what did you guys do? It doesn't matter if it was a date or not. We're still curious ", Yuko smiled cheerfully. Megumi smiled, eyes lighting up, "he found an even more magical place!! ". "Even more magical than your weird hill with the sakura tree? ", Iona teases, raising an eyebrow at her pink haired friend. "Yes!! Even more magical!!", she giggled. She peeked over to where Seiji was standing and smiled. "Do you think it was a date? ", Hime smirked, watching the way Megumi looked at Seiji. Her eyes remained fixed on her childhood friend as she responded, "I don't know". Her friends exchanged knowing glances. It seemed that yesterday was a date, and even if it wasn't, things had definitely changed. 
       "What did you guys do yesterday?", Megumi giggled, wondering what her friends did while she was on her "date". Iona shook her head. "Never leave us again, this one goes insane without you!", the purple haired girl sighed, motioning to Hime. "I was completely fine!!", Hime pouted, "Iona was the one that was crazy!! ". "Guys ", Yuko sighed, "stop fighting". "She made us buy her more cookies!! Even though we made cookies all Saturday!! ", Iona practically yelled. "Well it's not my fault you made us use really cheap ingredients!! ", Hime snapped back. Megumi giggled, "I'll never leave again! ". "But what about when you and Seiji start actually dating? ", Hime teased. "Yeah what are we gonna do then?", Iona smirked.  "I.... Um... ", Megumi blushed, wondering why they believed in her so much this time, "thank you guys".
     "Hey Seijiiiiii", Megumi giggled that day on their way home. He sighed and shook his head. "When you say my name like that, whatever you say next can't be good", he teased. She jumped towards him, embracing him tightly. "Thank you for yesterday!! ", she exclaimed. He smiled, "guess it wasn't bad". "Um one other thing.. ", she whispered, unable to get the words any louder. "What now? ", he sighed jokingly. Was yesterday a date?..... She sighed. She couldn't ask that. "Never mind ", she smiled, "let's go home! ". He gave her a confused look and shook his head, intertwining his fingers with hers. What are we to each other.....?
          She sighed, not able to fall asleep. She grabbed her phone, checking the time. 10:00 ...... Still 5 hours.... She sighed and rolled over, standing up and looking around. What do I do for 5 hours!!? She stood up, sliding her slippers onto her feet and grabbing her phone. She then opened her bedroom door and walked out, stepping into the living room. I wonder if Seiji is awake...? She mentally scolded herself for thinking about him so much. He was always on her mind for some reason, and the only reason she could come up with is that she was in love. She walked over to the balcony and opened the door stepping outside. Okay...... So now what do I do......? She sighed and looked over at the balcony next to the one she was standing on. Why can't I just tell him exactly how I feel....? She slid down onto the floor, smiling sadly at how ridiculous this all seemed to be. Part of her really did think he felt the same. Part of her believed they were in love with each other. But the other part already knew she'd get rejected. The other part was just planning for heart break. She sat there quietly for a few seconds before falling sound asleep.....
      "Megumi!! ", she heard a familiar voice call. She opened her eyes softly, trying to figure out where she was. Then she remembered falling asleep on the balcony and looked over to see Seiji calling her name in concern. She giggled as she sat up, realizing she seemed to be waking up to his voice a lot lately. "What time is it? ", she questioned as she stood up. "It's 3 am, I got up to go with you to your weird thing and noticed you weren't there. What are you doing out here? ", he gave her a look of concern. "Oh!! I couldn't sleep so I came out here, but I guess I fell asleep out here instead ", she giggled embarrassed. He shook his head. "Um hold on!! I'll be right out there!! ", she explained attempting to run back into the apartment, running into the door instead. He sighed at her, "I'll see you soon". She opened the door this time and placed her phone down, walking over to the door to where she could walk out of. Seiji sighed and ruffled her hair once they were outside. He grabbed her by the arm and hugged her tightly. "S-seiji...?", Megumi questioned, shocked by his reaction. "I was worried about you", he whispered to her. He kissed her forehead and hugged her again. I love him so much!!.....
     She smiled once she was back in her bed. He cared!!! She felt weird for being so happy about this. Of course he cared. They were childhood friends. They always cared about each other, but this felt different now. I may of already wished this.... But please let my feelings be accepted.... I may not be okay this time if they aren't......
Day 19 ☑
AN// Soooooo.... I'm still behind a day oops!!? I'll try to get chapter 20 out tonight, or I'll just post two tomorrow!! Have a lovely day!!

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