❤Day 32❤

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19 days to go......
Hime : I won't be able to hangout with you guys today....
Hime : Because....
Iona : we get it Hime you have a boyfriend
Yuko : Have fun!! ~
Hime : I will!! ~
Hime : lol is Megumi even awake yet..?
          Nya ~ Megumi woke up to the sound of her phones notifications. She  sat up and grabbed her phone to see her text conversation with her friends .

Megumi : Ohayouuuu guys!! ~ I'm awake now!!!  ❤
Megumi : Have fun on your date today Hime ~
Hime : you too lol
Megumi : ...
Megumi : lol what?
Yuko : She's probably talking about you and Seiji
Iona : Really? I thought she was talking about an otome game
Yuko : sarcasm has no place in this group chat!!! 
Megumi : I want to be with you guys today!! ~~ I missed you guys yesterday!!  ❤
Iona : Hime take notes! Megumi has a boyfriend and she isn't forgetting about us!
Yuko : Hime won't forget about us
Megumi : And I don't have a boyfriend  😅😅😅
Iona : Yeah because you're waiting 51 flippin days to tell him how you feel
Iona : HURRY UP!!!
Megumi : Don't question my methods!! ~ My magic place is worthy of a shoujou manga!! ~ ❤❤❤
Iona : That's why I'm questioning it...
Yuko : I think Hime and Hinata would make a good shoujou manga too
Megumi : oh yeah!! Because he learned how to ride a horse just for you!!~
Hime : he's actually teaching me how to ride a horse today!
Iona : Do you have an interest in riding a horse?
Hime : Not really, but he agreed to dress up as a prince again so....
Yuko : AnD yOuR tRuE iNtEnTiOnS aRe OuT...
Hime : shut up!
Megumi : Hime is in LOOOOOOOOOOOOVVEEEE~~~ ❤❤
Hime : you are literally the worst person to make fun of me about that...
Iona : Okay well I guess we'll meet up later?
Megumi : all of us except Hime ...
Yuko : Because.....
Yuko : ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hime : you guys are the worst.
Iona : See you guys later
Megumi : except Himeeeeeee
Hime : shut up
Yuko : goodbye!
Hime : byeeeee!
Megumi : bai bai!! ~ ❤
     "I feel weird admitting this, but it's kinda weird not having Hime around", Iona admitted. They had decided to go to the little cafe they'd study at sometimes. They had ideas of visiting Ichika-chan again, but decided against it due to the fact that Hime loved the Kira Pati's food so much. They knew it'd be unfair to go without her, so they settled on the little cafe. Megumi nodded, a sad expression taking over her face. "Maybe we should've just invited Hinata-kun too? ", Megumi suggested with a small smile, "that way we'd all be together!! ". The two friends smiled at the pink haired girls enthuasim. "I guess it's kind of weird", Yuko admits with a sad smile, "I'm so used to us all being together every weekend ". "Yeah", Iona agreed, "but things aren't always going to be like that". "Yeah they won't ", Yuko gave a sad smile, "Hime has a boyfriend, Megumi and Seiji are going to get together eventually, and soon we'll all never see each other on weekends ". Megumi watched as her friends spoke,  not wanting to believe anything they were saying. "No!! ", she shouted causing both of them to look at her,  "That's never going to happen!! ". She shook her head in disbelief. "We will always be friends and we'll always be there for each other!". She grabbed one of each of her friends hands and smiled, determined to change their meeting. "Happiness injection!!! ~~", she screamed cheerfully . "Megumi be quiet people are staring!! ", Iona muttered, her face red with embarrassment. Yuko giggled, "you haven't changed at all".
      "What's bothering you?", Seiji sighed. Megumi hadn't said a word since they met to go to the "magic place". She shook her head. "Nothing?? ", she said tying to sound sure of herself but the word came out more like a question. He shook his head. "Okay, you don't have to tell me", he sighed, "but please be okay? I hate seeing you upset over things". She nodded hesitantly and continued to walk in silence. Seconds passed. No words were said. They were both okay with it. Will I really lose my friends..? Will we really never see anything? Should I not confess to Seiji...? What do I do..? She sighed shakily, trying her hardest not to cry. "Are you okay?", Seiji asked in concern. The moment the worse left his mouth, she let the tears leave her eyes, feeling embarrassed that she couldn't even tell him what was wrong. He wrapped his arms around her, allowing her to cry as he attempted to calm her down. "It'll be okay ", he reassured. He didn't know what else to say. He didn't know what was wrong. "I-I", she tried to tell him what was wrong, but she couldn't make any words out. He nodded in understanding. "Tell me when you feel better ", he whispered to her as he continued to hug her. Her crying slowed a few minutes later and she felt happy at the fact that he held onto her the entire time. He kissed her forehead and loosened his grip just enough for their eyes to meet. "What happened? ", he asked, wanting to know the cause of her pain. "Do you think I'll lose my friends if y-yo S-somone!! Actually accepts my feeling?", she whispered, keeping her voice silent in fear that any louder and she'd burst into tears again. "What? ", he looked at her in disbelief. How could she even doubt something like that? He looked at her to see if she was joking but noticed her face was completely serious. He sighed. "I think you guys need each other ", he answered truthfully. She nodded softly and smiled at him for the first time that night. "Thank you", she spoke softly. He smiled back and they walked the rest of the way to the "magic place ". I guess this wish isn't even about my relationship with Seiji.... But even so..... I feel like it's important.... Please let me and my friends be there for each other forever..... I don't know what I'd do without them.....
Day 32 ☑
AN// guess who still can't catch up.... *cough * me *cough* anyways thanks for reading and have a lovely day!!!  ❤

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