❤Day 1❤

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~50 days to go~
       "Oha-", she pauses, "you??  ". "Seiji isn't out yet", Seiji's little sister, Mao says as the door is opened. "Ohayou!! Mao-chan!!! ",  Megumi greets with a laugh. Mao smiles and nods back in response before walking away, "Gotta go, sorry I'll talk to you later Megumi!! Bai".  "Bai!!!! ", she shouts back in response. "You seem excited this morning",  Seiji chuckles, walking out of the apartment. "Good morning!!!! Seiji!!! ",  she exclaims in response. "Good morning", he responds, shaking his head a bit, "Is that magic thing you were talking about  why you're so excited this morning? ". "If I tell you, it won't work!! ", she giggles. In all honesty, she still hadn't come up with anything yet. He rolls his eyes again and ruffles her hair, "will you tell me if it works?". "Hmm.. Yes!!I'll tell you when it works!!", she corrects with a smile. "Let's go", he laughs. "Hai!!!", she responds. And with that they go to school, trying again to find a way for them to hold hands.

      "Why is school so longgggg?", she sighs laying her head on her desk. "Megumi, we've only been here for 2 hours", Yuko responds with a giggle. "But that's 2 hours too long!! ", Megumi responds with a sigh, "maybe I should make up some sort of magic thing for school too!!". "Have you come with anything yet?", Iona asks, not looking up from the paper she's scribbling on. "Not yet!", she sighs, "I think there should be something involving a lot of days I should wait,  so if he rejects me we at least have time to stay friends before things become awkward!!". "Just don't make it something entirely unrealistic!", Hime explains.  "Oh really?",  Iona snickers, "aren't you the one who wants a prince on a white horse to come confess his love for you? ". "Th-that's different!!! ", Hime shots back. Yuko giggles, "good luck Megumi".

       If you go near a sakura tree at 3:00 in the morning every day for 51 days, your love will be reciprocated. "There!!! That sounds like it could be a thing!!! ",  she exclaims, proud she finally came up with something. Maybe this could actually work too! "What are you writing? ", he smirks looking over her shoulder. "Shh!! You can't know!!", she giggles covering his eyes. "How long are you doing this?", he sighs. "51 days!!", she exclaims. "Why that long? ", he questions in, raising an eyebrow at her silliness. She looks down, avoiding his gaze,"Because I don't want to get rejected this time. I w-want y-I want him to except my feelings". He sighs. "W-what's wrong? ", she stutters, worried that he knew what she meant. "I just want you to be happy", he stated. "S-seiji I um... ", she froze. She didn't know if she should thank him, or attempt to confess to him again. "Also, why are there hearts drawn all over your math homework?!", he questioned, holding up the paper. "Hey!!! Give it back!! ", she said in amusement. "Hold on", he answered erasing all of the hearts from Megumi's paper. She smiles watching him "fix" her homework. I love you.
Day 1....
"Okay so now I need to find a place with a sakura tree! ", she says trying to remain determined, "that shouldn't be too hard!!! ". She opens the door to the apartment silently, making sure to open it only enough for her to slip through. Once she's out, she closes the door softly and walks on her tip toes to the stairs. 

    "Okay! That was easier than I thought it would be!! ", she exclaims, feeling more optimistic once she's outside. This is something she would've never thought to do, but she couldn't think of anything else.  "Why the heck are you awake? ",  a familiar voice sounded, just as she was feeling safe. "I ummm", she turned around to see Seiji standing there. "How did you know I left? ", she questions in embarrassment and fear. "I heard you talking to yourself", he answered, "you're not as quiet as you think you are". She sighs making a mental note to not talk to herself when she leaves tomorrow. "So what are you doing? ", he asks again, speaking in a silent voice so he doesn't  wake up anyone.  She smiled, "it's a secret!! ". "So this is part of that magic thing? ", he guessed. Darn it!!! "Yes.... ", she mumbled out.
        He started walking. "Where are you going?", she spoke out confused. "I'm coming with you", he answered calmly.
     "Eh!!? Nani? Why!!?".

    "It's dark and I don't completely trust you know where you're going".

      "You don't know where I'm going either!!! ".

      "But I'll be able to make sure you don't get lost".
       Of course. She let's out a frustrated sigh. "I'm not a child!!!", she cried, flailing her arms in the air. He rolls his eyes and ruffles her hair. "You may not be, but you act like one", he answers with a laugh. "I do not!!!", she exclaims. They continue their teasing conversation as they walk. Seiji waiting for Megumi to tell him when they get there, and Megumi waiting to actually find a place. From the corner of her eye she catches a small sakura tree by a hill. "Here!! ", she exclaims, catching her balance as she stops by the hill. He stops behind her and gives her a questioning look. "What do you do now? ",he questions. She giggles and smiles at him. She closes her eyes.  Please let my feelings be returned. Opening her eyes again, she let's out an excited laugh. He gives her a strange look, "is that all? ". "Yes!!! We can go back now!!!", she cheers. He gives her another confused look and then shakes his head in amusement. I wish he wouldn't act that way towards my excitement!

      They get back home and he smiles. "What? ", she giggles in response. "You would've gotten lost", he chuckled. "No I wouldn't!! ", she exclaimed back. He rolls his eyes, "good night".  She hugs him, "good night!!!". "How do you have so much energy? ", he questions, hugging her back. She pulls away with a smile, "good night Seiji".

Day 1 ✅


       AN// First off, if you're reading this THANK YOU!!! This is a complete result of my trashiness, so thank you reading it!! Second, I know in the song GUMI goes to "the magic place" (I should not be writing) when the sun is setting for 51 days, but I thought it'd be more entertaining if it was late in the night. I don't know why and I could change that later, but for now let's stick with that. Thank you again and have a lovely day!!!!

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