Chapter 4

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A/N aye welcome back 😊

Y/N pov.



"Mmmh" as I slowly begin to wake up *ring* *Ring* "alright I'm up! I said as I'm fully awake and, as I grab my phone and hit the answer button not caring who was on the other line "finally I was getting worried, I thought something bad happened to you!" Sami my best friend told me, causing me to laughed a little.

"don't worry Sami I just feel asleep at my computer desk... again." I told her

" Y/N you've been working to hard why don't you take a break"she told me

"yea I know Sami but I don't have any place fun to go to"I said

"switch over to Skype so we can talk to face to face"she said, causing me too do so

" alright" I said once we end the call we went straight to Skype and continued talking.

"Alright as I was saying, why don't you take a break?" She asked again

" Yea, I have been over working myself lately, and I do have enough videos to post, but I have nothing to do here in W/Y/L." I told her

"Hang on let me go get Craig" she told me as she got up to look for him

"K" I told her, as I waited for her I finished up whatever I had left to edited turns out I only had a couple things 'really I couldn't pull though to finish this, whatever at least it's done, now I can post it' I thought to myself once i posted it, I went to Twitter to let them now I posted a new video. When that was finish Sami came back holdings Craigs hand 'awe cute' I thought " ok so we talk it though and" Sami started to say

"and why not stay with for a couple of days" Craig finished Sami sentence "really?!" I asked shocked

"yea, you have been over working yourself, so why not come over to LA for a couple of days"Craig told me

" thanks guys your the best" I told them

"well have girl talk when you get here, now go get some rest" Sami told me "ok, I'll order a plan ticket tomorrow, Goodnight guys" I told them

"ok, goodnight Y/N" they both said. Once we said are goodnights, I shut everything down for the night, once that was done I changed in to my pajamas and with that I went to sleep.

Sami pov.

I was in my office just finishing up my stream for today "well everyone that is it for today stream I have to call my best friend maybe you guys now her? Her YouTube name is Y/Y/N" as I said her name the comment just flooded on how much they love her. "Well I guess you do now her" I told them with a little laugh

" well anyways I gotta go we need to have some girl talk we haven't had girl talk for awhile now" I told them " no it's not about boys, well maybe I just have now if she likes anyone" I told them

"well anyways thanks again guys for coming out to watch my stream bye guys" once I end the stream I picked up my phone and called Y/N. 'Why isn't she answering?' I thought to myself after about five minutes she picked up. "Alright I'm up" I heard her say finally "I was getting worried, I thought something bad happened to you!" I told her
as I was her older sister witch is true Y/N is like my little sister, I heard her laugh " don't worry Sami I just feel asleep at my desk...again" I sighed

"Y/N you've been working to hard why don't you take a break" I told her

"yea I know Sami but I don't have any fun place to go" she told me

It all started with a group chat kryoz x reader Where stories live. Discover now