Chapter 32

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A/N: don't play song till I say 🎤

John pov.

I found myself still in the call with Y/N, "we fell asleep during are Skype call again" Y/N said with a laugh at the end, "it's the only thing that's close to cuddling" I told her "but it's not the same as cuddling, we're not holding each other" she replied "yea, well I better go pack for tomorrow I'll see soon" I told her "ok, pack some warm clothes it's cold were I live" she told me "ok love you" I told her "love you too" she replied as we hung up are call. 'Alright, time to pack' I told myself as I got up from my computer chair and started packing. As I was packing I got a call from smii7y on discord, I decided to answer it as I continued to pack.

"Hey milk bag" I greeted

"Hey John,what are you doing" he asked

"I'm packing" I told him

"Moving or visiting" he said

"Visiting" I told him

"Ok so it's not any of the guys" he asked

"Nope" I said

"Your visiting Y/N aren't you" he said

"Yup, I was gonna leave the day of are anniversary,but I told her I was gonna be there tomorrow" I told him

"You guys are so fucking cute" he said fanboying

"Are you done fanboying" I asked him

"No,I am not" he told me

"She had a couple bad relationship, you had bad relationship, it's like the universe brought you two together" he continued

"What are you trying to say" I asked him

"What I'm saying is don't let her go John, your her happiness and she's yours also" he told me

"I won't, now are you done fanboying" I told/asked him as I continue to pack

"Yeah for know, wanna play siege later" he asked

"Maybe, depends on what time I get packing" I told him getting a couple more sweatshirt

"K, I'll see if fitz,rac or Y/N wants to play a couple rounds" smii7y told me

"K,I'll probably join when I'm done packing" I told him as we hung up the call, and continued packing.

Y/N pov.

'Almost done' I told myself as I was getting done with laundry, 'and done' I told myself as I went over the list that I had written down. "Laundry put away, picked up games that were on the floor, vacuumed the  living room, and cleaned the bathroom" I read out the list I made as I went through it. "There all set, I better take a shower" I said to myself as I made my way up to my bathroom, I went to my room to get a pair of clean clothes, 'let's see johns drop out sweatshirt,Mini's merch, pair of black leggings socks, bra and underwear' I told myself as I grabbed out the clothes that I want and made my way to the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom I setted my clothes down on the sink and set the water temperature and got undress, once I was comfortable with the water temperature I got in. Once I was done washing up I grabbed my towel from the sink and dried myself off, when I was done drying off I putted my clothes on and dried my hair with my hairdryer. Once my hair was dried I went to my room as I was walking to my room I got a text message from smii7y saying.

Smii7y: wanna play some siege with a fitz,rac, and  I, and maybe John whenever he's done packing

'What is it with people wanting me to play siege with them' I told myself as I made my way to my computer chair, and replying back with

It all started with a group chat kryoz x reader Where stories live. Discover now