Chapter 75

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Y/N pov.

I was in the living room setting up for my camera, for a video that I was doing with John. The reason I was setting up in the living room was so he could lay down on something comfy, now that I say that, it sound like I'm making a porno for pornhub, but I wasn't, John is going to feel what it's like to have a child, yes I am recording a birth simulator. Once I had everything set up, I went over to the steps and called John down, as I was waited for John to come down, I went ahead and set up the birth simulator and sat down on the couch while waiting for John.

"You called babe" I heard John say causing me to look up and smile

"Yeah, ready?" I asked him while he sat down next to me

"Umm, what am I doing?" He asked me

"You are going to see what it's like to have a child coming out of your vagina, if you had one of course" I told him with a smile on my face

"What did I ever do to you beside love you and give you kisses" he told me

"Remember that one time you and the guys went out for drinks and you had a little to many drinks" I told him while giving him the look

"Okay you win" he said while laying down on the couch, while I pressed the record button on my camera.

"Hey what is up guys it's ya gurl Y/Y/N and today, my boyfriend is in for a treat" I said while doing my intro

"John will be feeling what it's like to have a child, and before you type anything in the comments, no I  not pregnant" I said and lifting up johns shirt a bit and hooking up the birth simulator up to John.

"Ready?"  I asked him

"No" he told me which was the correct answer, to cause his water to break, which would send some little vibration on his stomach

"Ahh, what is that" he asked me causing him to do breathing exercise

"Your water broke" I told him and grabbing his hand and holding it, then turning the birth simulator up

"Ahhh!" He screamed and squeezed my hand tightly

"That's only on two" I told him while I moved some of his hair back

"Come on John be a man" I heard him say trying to act tuff, this time I bumped it up to two

"Ahhh, fuck!" He yelled causing him to sweat a little more

"Almost done babe, one more big push" I told him, while I bumped it up one more time causing John to scream during his push, then I turned it down causing him to finally relax, and to breath normally

"Congratulations babe, you made it through pregnancy" I told him while kissing his now sweaty forehead

"Thanks baby, now I need to call my mom" he said while getting up and going into the kitchen and called his mom, while John was doing that, I went ahead and did my outro, then shut off my camera and made my way to John, giving him a side hug and a kiss on the cheek. As John was talking to his mom, I went ahead and whipped his forehead that was filled with sweat.

John pov.

I was talking to my mom, telling her how much I love her and appreciate everything she did for me, when I was little. After I was done talking to my mom, I said my goodbyes and told her I loved her again and hung up,then held Y/N in my arms,causing her to smile, then causing me to smile back.

"I gotta go to the airport baby" I told Y/N kissing her forehead

"Can I come with" she asked me

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