Chapter 23

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A/N: don't play song till I say

John pov.

I woke up cuddling close to Y/N causing me to smile. I grabbed my phone from the night stand to see what time it was seven o'clock it read, Y/N's panel started at ten o'clock, 'better wake her up' I thought. "Princess" I said while poking her cheek but nothing happening "princess" I said again "what" she mumbled "we gotta get up" I told her "no, five more minutes" "we can't have five more minutes" I told her while getting out of bed and grabbing a pillow "are you getting up" "nope" she told me "alright" I said as I hitted her with my pillow causing her wake up. "You did not just hit me with a pillow" she asked "oh but I did" I told her as she grabbed her pillow and throw it at me. About five minutes later, after we were done with are little pillow fight we got dress.

"The guys probably thought we were fucking" she told me as I laughed

"Wouldn't doubt it" I told her

"Mini and Fitz want to go get breakfast before we go to your panel and meet and greets"

"Sounds go to me" she told me

~~time skip~~

Y/N pov.

Once we got to R/R/N we all sat together, I of course was sitting next to John and Sami. Are waitress come over and asked us what we want to drink,pretty much everyone said coffee. We all talk about what we were doing today and after everything was over they suggested we go to a bar. "No" I told them "what why" smii7y asked "cause when I was here last time In L.A somebody bought me a drink, and I don't really like crowds" I told them "Well then why don't we all just go out to eat" fitz asked causing everyone to agree to that, are waitress came back with more coffee cups and are coffee, and took are orders,once she got everyone's order she went to the kitchen.

We were all cracking jokes cause people to look at us. Until Sami taped my shoulder causing me to look at her.

"What" I whispered

"Look who just came In" she told me, causing me to look by the door, there he was Bryce McQuaid.

"Oh my god" I whispered

"Y/N calm down, we'll make sure he won't come over here" she told me, but it was too late he was making his way over here.

"Well hello there Y/N, I miss you, you look good" Bryce said to me

Causing everyone at are table to look at him.

'Come on Y/N, now is not the time to chicken out'. I told myself

"Hi Bryce" I said

"Well I don't miss you, and I know I look good" I continued

"I see you made new friends since we broke up" he said

"Yeah,yeah I did make new friends, and I'm glad we broke up, now if you'll excuse us are breakfast is here" I said as are food started to come and with that he left.

"Who the hell was that cunt" zuckles said

"That mason was my ex boyfriend" I told him

"His face looks babyish" rac said

"Yeah, with babyish face stuck onto a mans body" swagger said causing everyone to laugh.

" you held your ground" Sami said

"Yeah, yeah I did" I told her as I held johns hand under the table.

~~time skip~~

"Alright, we are done eating,and were on are way to pax" I said into my camera and getting into the uber. Once we got to pax we all exited the car and went inside. "Oh. My. God" I said as we got in "this is a lot of people" I said as I turned my camera around. "We better hurry to are panel" Craig said "yeah" Brian and I said. As we were walking some fans stop us to get pictures along the way. Once we got backstage we had to wait a bit cause it wasn't time yet. "How you feeling" johns asked taking a seat next to me "alright, a little nervous but not to bad" I told him "your gonna be fine,just try to have fun out there ok" he said "yeah, it's not everyday to get to meet your subscribers" I said "five minutes guys" are helper told us (a/n: idk just go with it). "Well I better get ready" I said before I left I kissed johns cheek "awe" smii7y said, causing me to laugh.

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