Chapter 63

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Kugo pov.

Y/N told me that she was done recording her Q&A video and her and John were willing to help teach me how to play rainbow six siege since I haven't played it before. Once I was in there call and in game with them, we picked are operators.

"I call new operator" Y/N told us, making John and I chuckle

"But I wanted that one" John told her

"You had him  yesterday, Incase you forgot" she told him

"So what is your favorite map Y/N" I asked her

"My favorite map is kafe Dostoyevsky" she told me as we loaded in game and started barraging the walls and started putting up traps

"Right now I'm just following  your guys lead" I told them making them both laugh

"It's not that hard, you just have to listen for any foot steps or gunfire" Y/N told me

"Yeah" I said and focused on the match.

After a couple of matches later, we stopped are recording and talked for a bit before John,Jay, Craig and I had to change before we went out for a bit.

"So what are you gonna do while we're all having a good time" John asked her

"I might chill here for a bit, then maybe head over to Sami and Craig's place" she said

"Well we should get ready, I'll let jay know" I told John, while he gave me a thumbs up. I turned off my recording and my pc, and got ready to go out with the guys. Once I was done, I went downstairs to waited for jay and John to come downstairs, as I was waiting I grabbed a bottle water and took a drink. After a while while John, jay, and Y/N came down to say bye to all of us.

"Bye guys have fun" Y/N told us

"Bye Y/N" jay told her

"Bye princess" John told her while kissing the top of her head, causing him and jay to walk outside to my car so we could pick up Craig

"Hey kugo can you keep an eye on john, just so nothing happens" Y/N told me, causing me to nod my head

"Yeah, I'll keep an eye on him do you want me to tell Craig too, cause me and him are gonna be sober" I told her

"Yeah, thanks kugo" she said causing me to nod my head and walk out to my car and pick up Craig.

Y/N pov.

Kugo and them left to go pick up Craig, while I was alone at home with polar, so technically I wasn't alone. Polar and I went upstairs for a bit a played, then edited yesterday's video and today's video. Once I was done editing, I looked at my phone to see what time it was only to find it seven o'clock.

'It's only been three hours since they left' I thought to myself causing me to put my phone down and looking at polar who was already looking at me.

"Should we go aunt Sami" I told him causing him to bark making me laugh

"Alright let's go get your leash on" I told him causing me to get up and grab his leash, once I had it I clipped it onto his collar and walked downstairs then to my truck, and putting him in the passenger seat.

"Stay" I told him as I walked around to the driver seat and drove to Sami and Craig's place, as I was driving, I was jamming out but still had my eyes on the road. Once I was there, I pulled up in their driveway and shut off my truck, grabbed the leash and leading polar to the front door and knocking.

"Hey, you could of just came in" Sami told me once she opened the door

"Yeah I know" I told her will waking in with polar

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