Chapter 55

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Y/N pov.

John and I were both up, but still in bed cuddling. As we were cuddling, I grabbed my phone off my night stand, once I hand my phone I went on the internet to look at puppy pictures and to drop little hints to John. I mean, I had a dog when I was little but he/she passed away in his/her sleep in my early teenage years, and of course I had minis dog sparky when every I went over to his house. I want to start a family with John, I don't want kids just yet but I'm fine having a furry baby as my kid for now at least.

"What are you looking up" John asked me while wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close so he could see, and while I typed in Samoyed in the search bar

"Pictures of Samoyed" I told him while going to the images and scrolling through some of the pictures

"Look at em" I said while looking at John and showing him

"I see princess, but we still gotta unpack some of my stuff and your stuff, in fact you still have to set up your gaming system" John told me and setting up on the edge of the bed

"But it's a cloud with legs babe and a tame polar bear" I said to him causing him to chuckle which caused me to smile

"Come lets unpack some more boxes then I'll help you with your setup" he told me while moving the covers away from me

"I don't wanna" I told him causing me to kneel on my knees and wrap my arms around his neck, while he wrapped his arms around my waist and bring me closer to him

"I know, but when we're done we can go back to cuddling and looking at puppy pictures" he told me

"Okay" I said and got to work unpacking my clothes.

~~time skip~~

Once John and I were done unpacking my clothes and shoes, we went over to my new gaming office to set up my desk and my gaming system. As John was setting up my gaming system, I went ahead and set up my lantern lights and putted up my book shelf that I got yesterday, that way if any of my fans or and of course johns fans. Once I was done setting up my lantern lights, I opened the boxes that held the book shelf, once I had it opened I took everything out and looked at the directions.

"How hard do you think it'll be for me to put this together by myself" I asked while I looked for a screwdriver on the floor

"You'll probably have a better time putting it together, then swagger and mason did with theres, why" he said/asked me

"Just asking, besides how hard could be to put together a book shelf, just read the directions or follow the pictures" I said to John causing him to chuckle

"I need screwdriver" I said while going downstairs try find a screwdriver. As I was looking for the screwdriver, going through the drawers trying to find a goddamn screwdriver, I ran into something or someone causing me to look, only seeing Kugos back.

"Oops sorry Kugo, I'm just looking for a screwdriver and I can't seem to find one" I told him while still looking for one

"It's fine and here the screwdriver" he said while handing me it

"Thanks" I said while taking it a some cereal bars and some water for John and I, then going back upstairs

"No problem" I heard him say before I was out of range. When I got back to my office I saw John setting in my gaming chair while looking at my LEGO R2-D2 unit and the LEGO Death Star from Star Wars, causing me to walk over by the book shelf and sit on the floor

"You okay" I asked him

"Yeah, just looking at your LEGO R2-D2 unit and LEGO Death Star, how long did it take you to put them together" he asked me

It all started with a group chat kryoz x reader Where stories live. Discover now